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Lady Antebellum - We Owned the Night的中文翻译

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/09 05:12:53
Lady Antebellum - We Owned the Night的中文翻译
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk5MjE1OTM2.html 楼主看这个中文字幕版的,希望对你有帮助哈
再问: 请问你可以把这首歌的翻译给我吗?我不想要视频。
再答: Lady Antebellum(战前女神组合) - We Owned the Night(我们拥有此夜) tell me have you ever wanted for someone so much it hurts 告诉我你可曾爱上一个伤透你心的人? your lips keep trying to speak but you just cant find the words 你嘴唇微启,欲言又止 well i had this dream once 我曾经的梦想 i held you in my head 依然记忆犹新 she was the purest beauty 她纯真美丽 but not the common kind 却与众不同 she had a way about her 她特立独行 that made you feel alive 让你充满爱的活力 and for a moment you made the world stand still 那一刻,你让世界停止转动 yeah we owned the night 我们拥有此夜 you had me dim the lights 你让我调暗灯光 you danced just like a child 你像孩子般翩翩起舞 The wine spilled on your dress 美酒洒在你的裙子上 and all you did was smile 你只是笑个不停 yaeh, it was perfect 耶,如此完美 i hold it in my mind 我无法忘却 yeah we owned the night 耶 我们拥有此夜 ooh yeah 哦,耶 when the summer rolls around 当炎炎夏日渐渐远去 and the sun starts sinking down 太阳开始落山 i still remember you 我依然想念你 oh i remember you 哦 你在我心中 and i wonder where you are 我想知道你在哪里 are you looking at those same stars again 你是否又在凝望那些璀璨的星星? do you remember when`` 你还记得那一刻 we woke under a blanket 一觉醒来 你我同盖一毯 all tangled up in skin 肌肤相亲 Not knowing in that moment 那一刻却不知 we"d never speak again 我们会彼此无言 But it was perfect 但是却如此完美 i never will forget 我永远不会忘记 when we owned the night 当我们拥有此夜 yeah we owned the night 耶,我们拥有此夜 yeah```` Ooh`````````````````