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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 06:54:13
“热词”解析 “房地产调控”的表达有很多,列举一些外媒最常用的:1.The new move came after the central government stepped up efforts to cool down the country's over-heating property market.2.REAL estate prices in China are in no condition to rebound with the government firmly set to continue regulating the property market.3.The mainland's latest measures aimed at curbing property prices expanded to include the nation's smaller cities.以上三种表达cool down、regulate、curb都可以有调控、抑制的意思.大家在学习时也要活学活用,多积累、多收集各种不同的表达.相关阅读:国五条出台全民谈房色变:“20%房产转卖税”怎么说房价短期内不会反弹 市场调控仍处关键期更多英语听力文章>>(责编:rossoneri) 相关信息 · 北京国五条细则出台:禁止单身人士买二套房(视频)关键词:国五条 BEC商务英语 房地产调控 房地产投资 中国房地产 房地产市场 BEC热词 BEC中级词汇