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Thank you very much! I will be very appreciate if you help m

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 09:06:40
Thank you very much! I will be very appreciate if you help me to finish the remainder.
> > > > >> 那时候天是蓝的,水是绿的,
> > > > >> 庄稼是长在地里的,
> > > > >> 猪肉是可以放心吃的,
> > > > >> 耗子是怕猫的,强盗是怕捕快的,
> > > > >> 法庭是讲理的,杀人是要偿命的,
> > > > >> 生孩子是先结婚的,
> > > > >> 理发店是只管头顶的,
> > > > >> 药是可以治病的,大夫是救死扶伤的,
> > > > >> 拍电影是不需要陪导演睡觉的,
> > > > >> 照相是要穿衣服的,
> > > > >> 孩子的爸爸是清楚的,
> > > > >> 欠钱是要还钱的,钱庄是一诺九鼎的,
> > > > >> 学校是不图挣钱的,
> > > > >> 夫子两袖清风,腰杆是硬的,
> > > > >> 白痴是不能当官的,
> > > > >> 百年老店是万金不换号的,
> > > > >> 卖狗肉是不能挂羊头的,
> > > > >> 结了婚是不能泡美眉的,
> > > > >> 买东西是要付钱的!
New Year is coming, don't forget to tell kids some stories happened long long time ago
> > > > >> 那时候天是蓝的,水是绿的,
Sky is blue and river is green.
> > > > >> 庄稼是长在地里的,
Crops are growing in the ground
> > > > >> 猪肉是可以放心吃的,
It is safety to eat the pork
> > > > >> 耗子是怕猫的,强盗是怕捕快的,
Cats catch mice and police arrest convicts
> > > > >> 法庭是讲理的,杀人是要偿命的,
Court represents the justice, killing means guilty
> > > > >> 生孩子是先结婚的,
married before get a baby
> > > > >> 理发店是只管头顶的,
Salon only cares the top of head
> > > > >> 药是可以治病的,大夫是救死扶伤的,
medicine cures and doctors save lives
> > > > >> 拍电影是不需要陪导演睡觉的,
actresses don't need to have sex with movie directors
> > > > >> 照相是要穿衣服的,
always dress up when take the photographies
> > > > >> 孩子的爸爸是清楚的,
its clear who is baby's dad
> > > > >> 欠钱是要还钱的,钱庄是一诺九鼎的,
money owned must be paid back,
> > > > >> 学校是不图挣钱的,
school is always a non-profit organization
> > > > >> 夫子两袖清风,腰杆是硬的,
> > > > >> 白痴是不能当官的,
a fool cant take a job in the government
> > > > >> 百年老店是万金不换号的,
> > > > >> 卖狗肉是不能挂羊头的,
> > > > >> 结了婚是不能泡美眉的,
no third person once you are married
> > > > >> 买东西是要付钱的!
no money no shopping