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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 23:08:32
During the summer,my father,my mother went to Yunnan,where things are strange and different forms of speaking people really listen to their tire.
  In Yunnan,the had many strange things,which I had the honor to visit several of them strange monsters.
  We rode the train after a day and a night's journey has finally come full of strange gas Yunnan.Coming here,I and my father,my mother first of all the baggage into the book a good hotel room,and then they excitedly came to Yunnan,one of the strange - to eat 'fried grasshopper'.A say strange,but very interesting to eat 'fried grasshopper' never heard of,'grasshopper' is not a do not eat?But here saying 'grasshopper' eat is really unheard of,but that's down something new.We have all Le Zizi owner to sell pork dumplings,three-point string of 'deep-fried grasshopper'.I saw that the boss has just come immediately after listening to string a good 'grasshopper',then she went over there to go to the oven.He sat beside the oven in one hand and open the oven,transfer You've got one hand holding a 'grasshopper' string constant in the oven and turn on the grill back and forth.Baked later,he Bianjiang 'grasshopper' to get oil with the deep-fried.About a minute or two later,"Wow!" A sweet-smelling real 'deep-fried grasshopper' was born.String which has just been cooked 'fried grasshopper' people really salivate after reading.I can not wait to took a bunch of them,suddenly fragrant.A bite,"Wow!" It tastes great.I was immediately attracted by that delicious,eating eating.Eat very sweet,very happy,eat Liulianwangfan.
  Yunnan is not only to eat here,the strange,but there are also strange flower.Do not say you did not know,where the flowers are in bloom all year round,so here is the best thing to buy flowers.Mom and I happily picked flowers,will they get the hotel going,suddenly,brightly colored flowers to a quiet room added some life.
  Yunnan,a dozen or so strange,really big eye-opener for me,and I also know that more knowledge of Yunnan to learn more customs here.
  In this full of magic and fun of travel,let me feel very happy.了夏天,我的父亲,我的母亲去云南,那里的东西都是很陌生,不同形式的母语的人士真正听取他们的轮胎.
  我们坐火车一天后和一夜的旅程终于来到了奇怪的气体云南爆满.来到这里,我和我的父亲,我母亲第一次在书的所有行李一个良好的酒店房间,然后他们兴奋地来到云南,一个奇怪的 - 吃'油炸蝗虫'.甲说奇怪,但非常有趣的吃'油炸蝗虫'从来没有听说过,'蝗虫'是不是不吃饭吗?但是这里说'蝗虫'吃的,真是闻所未闻的,但是这下新的东西.我们都乐资淄业主出售猪肉水饺,3点'串油炸蝗虫'.我看到,老板刚刚听完一串好'蝗虫'马上,然后她去那边去烤箱.他坐在旁边的一只手,打开烤箱烤炉,转让,一方面你必须持有'蝗虫'字符串在烤炉和烤架上来回转常数.烤后,他Bianjiang'蝗虫'来获得与油炸油.大约两分钟后,“哇!”阿香真正的'油炸蝗虫'诞生了.字符串刚熟'油炸蝗虫'的人看了真的垂涎三尺.我不能等待了,其中一群,突然芬芳.咬一口,“哇!”味道好极了.我立刻吸引了可口的,吃吃饭.吃得很甜蜜,很开心,吃流连忘返.