作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 03:02:02
1既然雨停了,让我们继续准备英语节的剧目吧(now that)
2母亲在考虑送她儿子去法国学艺术(think about)
3.2008年奥运会是世界上最成功的体育运动会之一(one of)
4我们在花园里种了很多花,如玉兰‘百合(such as)
5这个人以擅长记忆数学而著名(be famous for)
6他以前住在小山村里,在那里度过了他快乐的童年(used to)
7参观博物馆的时候,记得不要拍照(remember not to)
8这本字典使你能理解新词汇(enable sb to)
9你又犯了和他相同的错误(the same……as)
1.Now that the rain has stopped,let us continue to prepare for the English Festival repertory
2.Mother is thinking about sending her son to go to Franceto study art.
3.The 2008 Olympic Games is one of the world's most successful sports.
4.We planted a lot of flowers in the garden,such as lily YuLan.
5.The person is famous for good memory of mathematics
6.He used to live in the small village,where he spent the rest of his happy childhood.
7.Visiting the museum,remember not to take pictures.
8.This dictionary enable you to understand new words.
9.You have made the same mistake as he made again .不知道对不?你觉得呢?