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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 08:55:29
( )1. panda A. tiger B. ruler C. zebra
( )2. Monday A. day B. Tuesday C. Friday
( )3. hand A. leg B. foot C. tape
( )4. one A. three B. door C. seven
( )5. doctor A. man B. teacher C. nurse
( )6. white A. red B. brown C. skirt
( )7. banana A. peach B. plane C. pear
( )8. ant A. bee B. butterfly C. dog
( )9. headache A. feel B. cough C. cold
( )10. piano A. guitar B. blouse C. violin
( )11.I usually get up ______ seven o’clock in the morning. A .at B. on C. of
( )12.-- ______ is the coat?--Thirty-five yuan, please.A .How B. How much C. How old
( )13.--Where are your glasses? -- I can’t find them, they ______ here just now.
A .are B. was C. were
( )14. The brown cat is as ______ as the black cat.A .fat B. fatter C. thinner
( )15.-- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Garden Cinema?
-- Let me see. You can ______ bus No. 5.A .by B. take C. go
( )16. --Are there any students in the classroom? -- Yes, there ______ students in the classroom.
A .any B. some C. a
( )17.--Hello, is that Liu Tao? --Yes, ______.A .I am B. it is C. speaking
( )18.David is playing ______ basketball in the playground.A .a B. the C. \
( )19.I have two storybooks, but Helen ______ four.A .has B. have C. had
( )20. This is not my purse. is over there. A. My B. Mine C. I
( )21.--What’s the capital(首都)of the UK? A. London B. New York C. Paris
( )22.--When is the Teachers’ day in China? -- It’s on .
A. September 10 B. December 25 C. October 31
( )23.当别人对你说“Your English is very nice!”,你可以说:A. Of course. B. Not at all. C. Thank you.
( )24.当你上学迟到时,你可以这样对老师说: A. It doesn’t matter. B. I’m sorry, I’m late.C. That’s all right.
( )25. 当别人对你说“Would you like to my birthday party?你可以说:A. Sure. B. Good night. C. No.
( )26.当别人对你说“What date is it today?”,你可以说: A. Today is Monday. B. It’s my birthday. C. It’s August 6.( )27. 当别人对你说“What’s your job?” 你可以说:A. I’m Kate. B. I’m a doctor. C. I’m Li Ming’s mother.( )28.当别人对你说“Let’s go skating!”,你不想去可以说:A. Sorry, I can’t. B.OK, let’s go. C. That’s a good idea.( )29.当你的朋友说“I’ve got a bad cough.”,你可以说A. How are you? B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. How do you do?( )30. 开学后,老师第一次见到同学们,会说:
A. What’s your name? B. Welcome back to school, boys and girls.C. Good bye boys and girls.
The Spring Festival(春节)is our Chinese people’s festival. There are different names for each year. We all call it the year of monkey, the year of dog… and this year is the year of Chicken.
Before the day of the festival, people are busy shopping and cleaning. On the Eve(除夕), there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late(守夜) to welcome the new year. In the middle of the night, we have some dumplings(饺子) and watch TV. On the first day of the New Year, people wear new clothes to visit their relatives and say “Happy New Year” to each other.
( )52. There are different names for Chinese years.A. 10 B. 11 C. 12
( )53. When is the Eve in Chinese year?
A. The evening of the Spring Festival. B. The evening before the Spring Festival. C. The evening after the Spring Festival.
( )54. People before the Spring Festival. A. sing and dance B. go shopping and clean the house C. play games
( )55. are the favorite food for Chinese people on the Eve.A. Cakes B. Dumplings C. Noodles
( )56. On the festival people usually .A. wear new clothes B. go to visit their relatives C. A and B
六、翻译 57. 向右转 _____________ 62. look for _____________58. 拍照片 _____________ 63. have a good time _____________59. 上车 ____________64. take part in _________60在……前面 _____________ 65. collect stamps __________61. 去购 __________66. the Great Wall
67.--Do you swim faster than your brother?-- No, I swim ______ (slow) than my brother.
68.--What did you do last week?--I ______ (go) to a farm.
69.I like ______ (make) model planes.
70.It is Sports Day, all the ______ (student) are very excited.
71.--What does Bob do on Sundays? -- He often ______ (watch) the cartoons.
班级__________ 姓名__________ 成绩__________
一 找出与所听单词属同一类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内(听一遍 8分)
( )1 A. pencil B. twelve C. dog D. English
( )2 A. watch B. trousers C. purple D. computer
( )3 A. jacket B. China C. student D. Japanese
( )4 A. pear B. orange C. eraser D. school
( )5 A. I B. him C. their D. under
( )6 A. white B. girl C. row D. who
( )7 A. year B. Jun.1st C. March D. Monday
( )8 A. egg B. teapot C. tea D. pear
二 根据听到的答句选择适当的问句(听两遍 12分)
( ) 1 A. Is the black pen in the pencil-box ?
B. Is this pen yours ?
C. What can you see in the pencil-box ?
( ) 2 A. Shall we go now ?
B. Which is for me , this one or that one ?
C. Excuse me , where is the post office ?
( ) 3 A. Shall I show you a photo ?
B. Can you play a computer game ?
C. May I have your picture ?
( ) 4 A. How are you ?
B. Can you help me ?
C. Whose is this camera ?
( ) 5 A. Are you from Japan ?
B. Do you like this T-shirt ?
C. Can you see the blue T-shirt ?
( ) 6 A. What is the man’s job ?
B. Do you know the man ?
C. Can you see the man in blue ?
三 听录音,完成对话(听两遍 10分)
A: Hello! What _______ you _______ last weekend ?
B: I ______ to visit a farm with my friends ?
A: What ______ you do on the farm ?
B: We ______ trees . We ______ cows , too .
A: Really ? That was fun !
B: Yes . It’s very interesting .
A: ______ ______ did you do ?
B: We collected ______ .
A: Great ! I ______ to go to the farm , too !
四 按要求写词(10分)
1. teacher(对应词)___________ 2. new(反义词)________
3. there(同音词)____________ 4. same(反义词)_________
5. have(第三人称单数)__________ 6. they(宾格)__________
7. woman(复数)___________ 8. mine(人称代词宾格)_________
9. come(现在分词)_________ 10. sing(过去式)__________
五 用所给词的适当形式完成下列各句(10分)
1. There _________( be ) some orange juice in the glass .
2. Jim _________ ( not go )to school on Sundays.
3. Some __________ ( work ) are working over there .
4. There are five _________ ( people ) in my family .
5. _________ ( I ) is blue , and this one is gray.
6. Would you like _________ ( have ) a cake ?
7. You’d better _________ ( keep ) the room nice and clean .
8. _______( they ) teach me Chinese , and I teach _______ ( they ) English .
9. What ______ ( do ) you ______ ( do ) last Sunday ?
10. Look ! Mike __________ ( fly ) a kite .
六 单项选择(10分)
( ) 1. ______ only bread and some oranges on the table .
A. There are B. There is C. There aren’t D. There isn’t
( ) 2.These are my football shoes . Where are ______?
A. you B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves

( ) 3. A red apple is __ the short tree and a small bird is __ the tall tree .
A. on ; on B. in ; in C. on ; in D. in ; on
( ) 4.This is Betty’s bike .Give ______ , please .
A. her it B. it for her C. it to her D. she it
( ) 5. -Thank you , Mike . - ____________.
A. You’re welcome B. That’s right C.Thank you D.No ,thank you
( ) 6. Please give ______ your pen . ______ pen isn’t here .
A. I ; My B. mine ; I C. me ; Mine D. me ; My
( ) 7. I’d like you ______ our school on that day .
A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. visited
( ) 8.-Would you like to go there , too ?
-_______________ .
A. Yes , I do B. Yes , I’d like C. Yes , I would
D. Yes , I’d love to
( ) 9. Who’s the boy ______ under the tree ?
A. stand B. to stand C. standing D. stood
( ) 10. We go and do some shopping ______ Sunday morning .
A. in B. on C. at D. of
七 按要求变换句型(16分)
1. His father goes to work by bike . ( 对画线部分进行提问)
_______ _______ his father _______ to work ?
2. He is watching TV now . (用everyday改写)
He ______ TV every day .
3. Please do it like that ! (改为否定句)
______ ______ it like that !
4. We have some American friends . ( 改为一般疑问句 )
______ you ______ ______ American friends ?
5. Tom comes from England . ( 对画线部分进行提问 )
______ ______ Tom ______ from ?
6. There are six apples in the basket . ( 同上 )
______ ______ apples ______ ______ in the basket ?
八 从‖栏中选出|栏相应的答句.(6分)
| ‖
( ) 1. How is your grandpa ? A. Yes , I have a small one .
( ) 2. Can you spell it ? B. We are .
( ) 3. Who’s on duty today ? C. It’s nice.
( ) 4. Your bedroom is very clean . D. Yes , B-A-G ,bag .
( ) 5. How about this one ? E. He’s very well .
( ) 6. Do you have a map ? F. Thank you .
九 根据情景,完成对话,每空一词(8分)
A: ______ the little baby in the picture ?
B: He’s my cousin . His ______ is Tom .
A: Is he very young ?
B: Yes , he is ______ two . He’s ______ my house now . ______ you like to see him ?
A: Yes , of _______ .
B: Come ______ me , please . Look , he’s in the bathroom . Oh dear ! He’s ______ his teeth with the shoe cream(鞋油).
十 阅读理解(10分)
We have a new house in Beijing . We live in Flat (公寓) 4A . Miss Li lives next to us . She lives in Flat 4B . She lives with her parents and two brothers . There are three bedrooms in Miss Li’s flat .
Miss Li loves little animals . She keeps a cat and three fish . She wants to keep a dog , too . But her mother doesn’t like dogs . Miss Li is kind to her pets (宠物). Everyday she gives nice food to them .
1 How many people are there in Flat 4B ?
2 What does Miss Li love ?
3 How many pets does Miss Li have ?
4 Who doesn’t like dogs ?
5 Is Miss Li kind to her pets ?
一 找出与所听单词属同一类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内(听一遍)
1 panda 2 T-shirt 3 English 4 black 5 us 6 play
7 April 8 juice
二 根据听到的答句选择适当的问句(听两遍)
1 I can see a black pen in the pencil-box.
2 It’s over there, near the bus stop.
3 I’m sorry I can’t.
4 Sorry, I don’t know.
5 No, I’d like that blue one.
6 A worker, I think.
三 听录音,完成对话(听两遍)
A: Hello! What did you do last weekend ?
B: I went to visit a farm with my friends ?
A: What did you do on the farm ?
B: We watered trees . We milked cows , too .
A: Really ? That was fun !
B: Yes . It’s very interesting .
A: What else did you do ?
B: We collected eggs .
A: Great ! I want to go to the farm , too !