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英语翻译Iraq’s Kurds:Toward a Historic Compromise Fiery rhetoric

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 23:05:42
Iraq’s Kurds:Toward a Historic Compromise
Fiery rhetoric over the Kurdish question in Iraqsuggests acrimony,conflict and possibly secession.But outside the battle ofwords fought in the glare of the media spotlight,Kurdish leaders haveindicated that a historic compromise over Kurdish autonomy and the status of Kirkuk is possible within a unitary Iraq.Given their current political strength in thecountry,Kurdish leaders now need to moderate their public rhetoric and informtheir people of what they see as the maximum realistic solution to the Kurdishhistorical predicament and Kirkuk’sstatus.The occupying powers and the international community more generallyshould pay heed to the Kurds’ fair demands.Failure to meet the Kurdish desirefor freedom within a unitary Iraqcould well pave the way for more radical separatist elements to gain the upperhand in the Kurdish community,raising a grave regional confrontation.
46,For half a century,America’s leaders have dreamed of erecting a shield above their nation to protect it from incoming ballistic missiles.Such a shield would help their nation to recapture the sense of untouchability that its geography,weak neighbours and power have implanted and sustained in the past.
The habitual American faith in technology has helped to make the ambition seem feasible:if America can put a man on the moon,then why shouldn’t it “hit a bullet with a bullet”?- as some like to characterize the task of shooting down a missile in space.
In fact,the missile to be unveiled next year is highly ambitious.In theory,a threatening missile will be detected by satellite soon after its launch and its trajectory tracked by radar.Then an interceptor will be dispatched.
So how good is the system that will come into operation next year?Critics allege that flight tests that have been conducted so far have provided mixed results.
But the enthusiasts say missile defense will help dissuade some countries from developing missiles,and help deter any that consider firing them.And America’s own freedom of action will be increased; it could,for instance,intervene in a regional conflict without fear of ballistic blackmail.
伊拉克库尔德人:迈向历史性的妥协火热的说辞了在Iraqsuggests恶语相向,冲突和可能分裂国家的库尔德问题?但转战媒体的聚光灯的强光战斗ofwords外,库尔德领导人haveindicated一个历史性的妥协了库尔德自治和基尔库克的地位有可能在一个单一的伊拉克.鉴于其目前在thecountry政治力量,库尔德领导人现在需要适度的公开言论和informtheir人他们所看到的最大的现实的解决办法Kurdishhistorical困境,Kirkuk'sstatus.占领国和国际社会更加generallyshould留意库尔德人'公平的要求.如果不能满足库尔德desirefor自由在一个单一的Iraqcould以及铺平道路更为激进的分裂主义分子,以获得upperhand库尔德社区,养了严重的区域对抗.46,半个世纪以来,美国领导人一直梦想搭建自己的国家之上的屏蔽以保护其免受来袭的弹道导弹的.这样的盾牌,将有助于他们的国家夺回贱民,其地理,弱邻居和能力都植入和持续的past.The习惯美国的信心技术帮助,使雄心的感觉似乎可行的:如果美国可以把一个人在月球上,那么为什么不应该是“击中一颗子弹一颗子弹”?- 一些喜欢表征击落导弹space.In事实上的任务,该导弹将于明年亮相是非常雄心勃勃的.从理论上讲,有威胁的导弹将通过卫星进行检测后不久,它的发射和轨迹跟踪的雷达.那么拦截器将dispatched.So有多好,系统将投入使用,明年?批评者声称,已进行得很远,飞行试验提供了混合results.But的爱好者说,导弹防御系统将有助于阻止一些国家在发展导弹,并帮助阻止任何考虑解雇他们.而美国自己的行动自由将会增加;它可以,例如,干预地区冲突,而不必担心弹道导弹讹诈.