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英语翻译酒店前厅(front office)是客人进入酒店的第一个接触点,又是离开酒店的最后接触点,它直接关系到客人的住

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/15 03:08:50
酒店前厅(front office)是客人进入酒店的第一个接触点,又是离开酒店的最后接触点,它直接关系到客人的住宿满意程度和对酒店的印象。前台作为酒店的窗口,是酒店给客人的第一印象,我们保持自己最好的形象,面带微笑、精神饱满,用我们最美丽的一面去迎接客人,让每位客人走进酒店都会体验到我们的真诚、热情,真正有宾至如归的感觉。顾客进行CHECK IN时,首先询问是否有预约,如果有预约则进行信息核对,如果没有预约则介绍酒店房价,得到顾客的认可后,则登记顾客信息.对一些老年或视力不好的客人在CHECK-IN时,可以由职员代填登记表,认真、仔细验证后,请客人签名:对一些行动不便的客人可以由开房员送客人进房间登记。当顾客使用信用卡结账时,如果出现不能正常使用的话,应该将顾客带领至旁边然后再试几次。不能影响下一位顾客正常check in.
关注宾客喜好。当客人走进酒店时,我们要主动问好,称呼客人时,如果是熟客就要准确无误地说出客人的姓名和职务,我们还要收集客人的生活习惯、个人喜好等信息,并尽最大努力满足客人,让宾客的每次住店,都能感受到意外的惊喜。(不要机器翻 )
The front desk (front office) is the first into the hotel guest contact point,is leaving the hotel last the contact point,it relates directly to the guest satisfaction and accommodation with the hotel's impression.Front desk as a hotel window,is the hotel for the guests first impression,we keep yourself the best image,to smile,full of spirit,with our most beautiful side to meet the guest,let each guest walked into the hotel will experience to our sincere,warm,really feel more at home.Customers,first CHECK IN to ask if there is an appointment,if have an appointment is CHECK,if the information is no appointment to get customer property prices,introduced the hotel,the registration approval.For some old customer information IN eyesight guests or CHECK - IN,can be made by