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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 07:26:15
Directions:You are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay about 300 words on the following topic.
Most people believe that Internet is a wonderful invention that has already changed the way of life people have been used to for many years.However,there are also many problems that it has brought to us.
What are the problems?And how to prevent such problems?Give specific reasons.
Word limit:around 300 words
第二, 学生上网产生了什么样的结果呢?上述“新闻台”、“百科书”、“游戏室”、“电影院”和“邮电局”的目的都可以达到,这也是大多数小学生上网的目的.但是,随着迷恋网吧、离家出走、约会网友等个案的出现,小学生上网产生的结构越来越让家长和老师担心.这些现象在小学生中的比例即使是百分之一、千分之一,对于学生家长、对于班主任老师、对于所在学校来说,这个比例其实就等于百分之一百.因此,为了防范极端现象的出现,不少家长往往要求孩子“令行禁止”.事实上,对于大多数小学生来说,他们是健康、文明、安全地在网上“冲浪”的.
2、 2、上网似的督促指导:学生上网必须要在家长和老师的督促下进行,同时家长和老师做好指导工作,防止学生浏览某些网页.
3、 3、上网时间的宏观控制:一方面,在上网时间的总量上进行宏观的控制,比如一个星期中规定上网时间不能超过两个小时,记录一个星期中的每一次上网的开始时间和结束时间,从总量上进行控制;另一方面,在上网的时间段上进行宏观控制,比如可以允许孩子在周末、双休日上网.
(Teenagers surf the Internet I see
With the rapid development of Internet technology, the Internet has gone deep into thousands of households, many people's work and life has been inseparable from the Internet, the Internet has become a part of many people learn, work and life. People's convenience, to bring the Internet benefits have not, however, along with the student infatuated with the Internet users, dating events such as the emergence of online students away from home, especially the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet has gradually become the primary, schools and social concern. Then, students are more advantages than disadvantages? The answer to this question, not lump together, we should study what is the purpose of pupils. After the Internet to what results, these two basic problems clear, we can correctly evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the pupils.
First, purpose of nothing more than that several students internet:
1, the Internet as " news ", by browsing webpage, understand the world and national news;
2, the Internet as " Encyclopedia ", find the information they need;
3, the Internet as " game room ", play network game;
4, the Internet as " cinema ", watch the network movie;
5, the Internet as " post office ", through the network to send and receive e-mail.
Some students have only one purpose, some students may have several purposes have both at the same time, in fact, this is not a problem, but, if not control a long time addicted to the Internet, so their learning time can not be guaranteed. Students are at the primary stage of learning scientific and cultural knowledge, the main task is to study, classroom teaching is the main channel of school education, students learn knowledge.
Second, students have what kind of results? The " news ", " Encyclopedia ", " game room ", " the cinema " and " post office " objective can be achieved, which is most of them use the Internet to. However, with the departure date, infatuated with the Internet, netizens, case from home, more and more students online structure generated for parents and teachers worried. These phenomena in the primary school in the proportion of even one percent, 1/1000, for the parents of the students, the teacher, the school, the ratio is equal to one hundred percent. Therefore, in order to prevent extreme phenomenon, many parents often ask children every order is executed without fail. " ". In fact, for most students, they are healthy, civilized, safe in online " surfing ".
In a word, understanding of any problem, should the dialectical analysis, students online problem is the same. First of all, because of fear of problems and banned students online, this simple approach is not desirable, because students can get a lot of classroom knowledge can not go to school on the Internet; secondly, because the Internet can obtain a lot of knowledge and let students online, this approach is not desirable.
Therefore, as parents, we suggest to put forward the following requirements for students:
Condition 1: students, the Internet Internet is prerequisite for classroom assignments and homework assignments satisfactorily.
2, 2, the Internet seems to supervise and guide: students must be carried on at the urging of parents and teachers, and parents and teachers to guide the work of students, prevent some webpage browsing.
3, 3, Internet macro control time : on the one hand, macro control in the total amount of time online, for example a week specified in Internet time is not more than two hours a week, record every Internet start time and end time, from the total control progress; on the other hand, macro control at the time of the Internet, for example, can allow the child to the Internet over the weekend, the weekend.)