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when i look—— your eyes 看你的双眸 it”s like —— the night sky 恰是凝

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/08 08:44:35
when i look—— your eyes 看你的双眸 it”s like —— the night sky 恰是凝望 夜中苍穹
是一首英文歌 中间的横杠是缺少了一个单词 求告诉我全部的歌词
《I Won't Give Up》  决不放弃 
When I look into your eyes  当我凝视着你的双眸
It's like watching the night sky  仿佛看到深邃夜空
Or a beautiful sunrise  亦或是灿烂朝阳
There so much they hold   他们蕴含着万千美好
And just like them old stars   就像漫天絙古的繁星
I see that you've come so far   我知你已跋涉千里
To be right where you are   这一刻驻足此间
How old is your soul?  那灵魂等待了多少轮回
I won't give up on us   我不会放弃彼此
Even if the skies get rough   即使天空布满阴霾
I'm giving you all my love   我将全部爱给你
I'm still looking up   依旧憧憬着我们的未来  
And when you're needing your space   当你需要个人空间
To do some navigating   去遨游去探险
I'll be here patiently waiting   我会在此耐心等待
To see what you find   等待你发现的一切
'Cause even the stars they burn   因为就算星辰也会燃烧
Some even fall to the earth   有些甚至还会坠落尘世
We got a lot to learn   我们还有太多需要去领悟
God knows we're worth it   苍天为鉴,我们值得这一切
No I won't give up  不,我不会就此放弃
I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily 我不想轻易离开
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make 坚守在此努力付出 
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use 我们之间的差异教会我们成熟 
The tools,the skills we've got yeah we got a lot at stake 在危难中,我们收获良多 
And in the end,you're still my friend at least we didn't tend 最终友谊依旧长青  
For us to work we didn't break,we didn't burn至少我们共同努力,我们不曾决裂,不曾记恨 
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in 我们学习适当妥协,世界不致坍塌  
I had to learn what I got,and what I'm not 我不得不搞清楚我拥有什么,不能掌握什么  
And who I am   以及,我是谁
I won't give up on us   我不会放弃彼此  
Even if the skies get rough   即使天那空布满阴霾
I'm giving you all my love   我将爱全部给你  
I'm still looking up   我依旧憧憬我们的未来
Still looking up  憧憬着我们的未来
I won't give up on us   我不会放弃彼此
God knows I'm tough enough   苍天为鉴,我足够不屈  
We got a lot to learn   我们还有太多需要去领悟
God knows we're worth it   苍天为鉴,我们值得这一切
I won't give up on us   我不会放弃彼此弃
Even if the skies get rough   即使天那空布满阴霾
I'm giving you all my love   我将爱全部给你  
I'm still looking up   我依旧憧憬我们的未来