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要下策全部的 ,如果好的话另外加分 ,前辈 们,光光感激不尽
不忽悠好不好,下面的是初二的 大哥老师 看清楚再说啊 我要九年级下册的 看清楚 下册 我有用的
Unit 5 Learning about China
Topic 1 Could you tell me something about the places that you visited?
about 5000 years of history
吸引了许多游客 attract many tourists
数以百万 millions of
许多 a (great) number of
第一、二、三长河 the longest river/the second longest river/the third longest river
the birthplaces of Chinese culture
还有一些别的吗? Anything else?
给某人取某物 fetch sth for sb=fetch sb. sth.
I can fetch you Guide to China.
详细介绍……introduce…in detail
lie in(范围内) lie to(范围外) lie on(接壤)
穿过 ,流经 run through
汇入渤海 join the Bohai Sea
淡水湖 the fresh water lake
the second largest fresh water lake
be in the southwest of China
青藏高原 the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
很值得做某事 be well worth doing sth
海拔 above sea level
多么令人惊奇啊 What a surprise!
最奇妙的地方 the most fantastic place
听说过 hear of
实现 come true
国内外 home and abroad
be surrounded on three sides by mountains
陶醉于…,全神贯注于…, 沉浸于…… lose oneself in…
因为 because of sth.
…之乡 the home of
龙井茶 the Dragon Well
龙井茶之乡 the home of Dragon Well Tea
look for a chance to do sth.
与某人分享……share sth. with sb.
不但……而且not only…but also…
被认为是, 作为……而著名 be known as… 因……而著名be known for….
把…看作/认为 regard …as …
be regarded as=be considered as …
东方明珠 the Oriental Pearl
购物天堂 Shopping Heaven
想起,考虑,认为 think of
enjoy various delicious fruits
来某处旅游 come to sw. for a visit
作为……服务的桥梁serve as a bridge
损坏,抛锚,变得恶劣 break down
驾驶执照the driving license
拿走 take away
有不同的特点 have different feasures
与…截然不同 be quite different from
南北有很大的不同 There are many differences between the north and the south.
零度以上/以下 stay below / above zero
雪下得很大 snow heavily
雨下得很大 rain heavily
风刮得很大 blow strongly
被…覆盖 be covered with
做户外运动 do outdoor activities
堆雪人 make snowmen
仍雪球 throw snow balls
滑冰 go skating
温暖潮湿 mild and wet
享受明媚的阳光 enjoy the bright sunshine
在海滩上 on the beach
人们的生活方式 people’s way of life
be used to eating food made with flour
面食 food made with flour
生活在北方平原live on the northern plains
通过陆路来往 come and go by land
走陆路/走水路 travel by land / by water
Topic 2 Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education.
在教育领域in the field of education.
a pioneer in the field of education.
a great ancient philosopher
真知灼见 wise ideas and thoughts
人类行为 human behavior
主要思想 main ideas
礼貌 good manners
至理名言 wise sayings
从…学会 learn sth. from
在…多岁时 at the age of …
在他三十多岁时 in his thirties
Learn the new while reviewing the old
为...感到骄傲be proud of =be the pride of
航海 ocean journeys
死于疾病 die of illness
总共in total
积极参加take an active part in
受…欢迎 be popular with
成立 set up
推翻 bring down
break down from…
成功做某事 succeed in doing sth
去世pass away
演讲 give a speech
讲学 give a lecture
发明杂交水稻develop hybrid rice
win the Nobel Prize for Physics
消灭 wipe out
到安全地点 to safety=to the safe place
一份新长征计划 a new Long March
Topic 3
带某人参观某地 show sb. around sw.
给某人看…show sb. to sw.
王权的象征 a symbol of imperial power
real dragons and the sons of heaven
a symbol of the Chinese nation
play a/an…part in…=
play a/an ……role…
play an important part in Chinese festival
龙年the year of the dragon
鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth.
承诺做某事 promise to do sth.
promise to follow the suggestions
要么..要么 either…or…
围挤在…周围crowd around…
下象棋 play Chinese chess
…和…都…, 两者都…Both …and …
两者都都不…Neither …nor …
为了…in order to …
为反对…而斗争 ,与…战斗fight against
为了纪念某人/某事 in memory of
爆发break out
依靠,依赖,取决于 depend on
with one’s help=with the help of sb.
one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数
在三世纪 in the 3 rd century
在…末梢 at the end of….
传开, 传播,蔓延 spread to /through