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英语翻译Each pair of sentences below describes the same event.Pu

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 19:58:07
Each pair of sentences below describes the same event.Put a check in front of the one in each pair that uses more vivid imagery.
Silence hung over the courtroom as the attorney stared unblinkingly at the witness untill he began to fidget in his chair and glance nervously around the room.
There was absolute silence in the courtroom while the attorney stared at the witness until he became more and more nervous.
Dr.Mathis looked at the accident victim's face,saw that there were many injuries,and began to treat the patient.
Dr.Mathis gently turned the patient's face to the light and carefully treated the ragged cuts and bluish bruises with antiseltic-soaked cotton pads.
Phil rode down the street on his bike ,passing a runner with his dog and some small childen riding on their tricycles.
As phil bicycled down the shady,tree-lined streets,he passed a jogger in a tan warm-up suit with his German shepherd running beside him and some small childen racing each other on their tricycles.