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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 13:51:09
过去时态的用法总结 一、构成及基本原则 过去时态包括三种时态:一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时. 使用过去时态的基本原则:只讨论过去发生的动作,现在动作已结束或不复存在,且和现 在丝毫无关.(这一原则不涉及虚拟语气) He lived here for two decades. (现已不住在这里了) He has lived here for two decades.(现还住在这里) He was dedicated to his career all his life. (他已过世) He has been dedicated to his career all his life.(他还活着) 二、一般过去时 功能 例句 过去的动作或状态 I met with an old friend yesterday. He liked pop music before. 过去的经常性动作 I got up early every day when I was young. 过去的连贯性动作 He came in, sat down, took out a book and read it. 注:①一般过去时在表示请求的句型中表示委婉语气,是一种礼貌的表达. I wondered if you could help me. =I wonder if you can help me. I would appreciate it if you didn’t it. =I will appreciate it if you doesn’t it. I hoped you could give us some help. =I hope you can give us some help. ②一般过去时在表示计划打算的句型中表示原来的计划和打算,(现已更改).★ I was going to visit you now, but you see…it’s raining so hard. He intended to go traveling with his boss, but now he has to stay with his sick son. He was supposed to be here by 3:00, but now it’s 5:00, and he still hasn’t shown up. ③在以过去为背景的复合句中,条件或时间状语从句里必须用一般过去时表将来. He told me that he would stay at home if it rained tomorrow. ④表达过去的习惯动作可以用would do和used to do代替一般过去时,但前者只强 调当时经常进行的习惯动作,而后者更强调现在已不存在或今非昔比.★ He would come to see my father every week. (我想他本周可能也会来吧) He used to come to see my father every week. (现在是不怎么来了) ⑤在两个固定句型中,宾语从句的谓语动词通常用一般过去时★★★ It’s (high) time (that)… It’s (high) time that we took measures to stop it. I would rather (that)…… I’d rather you didn’t play computer games. 三、过去进行时 功能 例句 过去正在进行的动作 At that time I was washing bowls. 过去反复进行的动作 He was always asking for trouble when he was a boy. 过去一直保持的状态 She knew that in those years she was making her parents proud. 注:①常和过去进行时连用的一些时间状语:at that time, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last night, this time yesterday, at 9 o’clock yesterday等.★ ②过去进行时常常用于铺叙故事情节的背景,从而引出一个一般过去时的新动作.★ It was getting dark, and the wind was blowing hard. In the house, a wood fire was burning in the fireplace. My parents were watching TV. My sister was playing the piano. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. My sister stopped playing and went to it. 在某些句型中,也有这种类似的用法,需要用过去进行时. They were having dinner happily when they heard a terrible noise outside the door. While I was doing my homework, a doorbell suddenly rang. ③过去进行时也可以描述过去某一瞬间动作发生时的状态,此时和while/when/as引导的时间状语从句连用.★ When/As Marry cut her finger, she was making a dress. When/As I got to the top of the mountain, the sun was rising shiny. The fire broke out when/as/while they were having a meeting. (while时间状语接进行时) ④过去进行时描述的动作往往是和另一个过去的动作同时进行;而先后连贯发生的动 作则用一般过去时,不用过去进行时.试比较: When I arrived at his home, he was watching TV. When I arrived at his home, he asked me to sit down. ⑤过去进行时和always/constantly/continually/forever/all the time连用时,也表示一种不满或厌倦的感情色彩.★ ⑥过去进行时也可以表示一种委婉语气,这一用法限于want/hope/think/wonder等词. I was hoping you could send me home. I was wondering if you could help me. I was thinking if you could show us your wonderful performance. 四、过去完成时 功能 例句 “过去的过去” When we arrived at the station, the train had just left. By the time he retired, he had visited over 100 countries. By the end of last month, he had received 135 letters from readers. Instead of telling jokes he had planned, he made up a new one. 注:①过去完成时用于描述在过去某一动作发生前或某一具体时间点前就发生的动作,和它连用的时间状语:by the end of last month, by the time he arrived,before, after, until, when, as soon as.★ Before he went to bed, he had drunk a cup of milk. He had worked here for two years until he retired. ②过去完成时主要是为了体现过去发生动作的先后,先的动作用过去完成时,后的动作用一般过去时.但如果时间状语从句的关系词已能体现先后顺序,则可以用一般过去时代替过去完成时,如before, after, as soon as, until,不包括by the time, when. As soon as he (had) finished his homework, he went out to play football. After he (had) cooked his lunch, he moved on to washing his clothes. ③过去完成时还常用于主句为一般过去时的名词性从句和定语从句,用以体现从句中谓语 动词的动作发生在主语谓语动词之前.★ He admitted that he had broken the window. They made an announcement that they had discovered a new chemical in their experiment. The computer that you had broken was sold to the recycling centre yesterday. ④过去完成时在表示计划打算的句型中表示在过去背景下原来的计划和打算,(后来更改) I had thought it was easy to find you house, but it took me three hours yesterday! I had expected that he would be outstanding in the game, but actually he did really badly! ⑤有些情况下,过去完成时可以代替一般过去时,表示惊奇.★ I saw her coming, but in a minute, she had disappeared. They wanted to keep it as a secret, but a few day later, everyone had known it. ⑥无明显先后的连贯动作,不用过去完成时,而用一般过去时. As I came in, he passed me a cup of coffee and had me sit down with him. ⑦常用过去完成时的句型★★★ 1. This(That/It) was the first(second…) time that+过去完成时 This was the first time that I had played tennis. It was the second time that I had taken the plane. 2. By the time+从句(一般过去时), 主句(过去完成时) By the time he retired, he had worked for forty years in that factory. By the time he succeeded, he had failed nine times. 3. It was +一段时间+ since+从句(过去完成时) It was three years since he had got sick. 将来时态的用法总结 一、构成 过去时态包括三种时态:一般将来时、将来进行时、过去将来时. 二、一般将来时 形式 功能 例句 will do 将来的趋向或状态 Without water fish will die. 事先计划好的动作 He will finish his work by next Monday. 无事先计划好的动作 Tom is ill?! I will go to see him right now. 表意志、命令语气 This time I will pass. You will hand it in right now. be going to do 事先计划的近期打算 Tom is ill, and we are going to see him right now. be to do 事先计划一定要发生的动作;务必要完成的动作 They are to visit your home tomorrow. You are to be here this time tomorrow. shall do 事先计划的动作(一人称) Today we shall continue our new lesson. 说话人的命令(二三人称) He shall say sorry to me. be doing 近期打算(尤其位移动词) We’re starting for Beijing tomorrow. do/does 不可变更的计划 The plane takes off in five minutes. 用于“主将从现”结构 I’ll stay at home if it rains tomorrow. be about to do 正要做的事(无时间状语) I’m about to leave. The meeting is about to begin. 注:前三种形式还有各自的推测性用法.★★ 形式 推测性用法 例句 will do 长期性推测(科学性、客观性) The radio says it will rain tomorrow. be going to do 对就要发生的事推测(主观性) Look! It’s going to rain right now. be to do 注定(带有感情色彩) If he goes on, he is to end up in failure. 试比较: The bridge will break off. It needs repairing. The bridge is going to break off. Let’s get away right now! If designed like this, the bridge is to break off. 三、将来进行时 (will/shall be doing) 功能 例句 将来某段时间要持续的动作 He will be traveling in Europe all next month. You will be taking the College Entrance Examination from June 7 to 9 in 2009. 将来某个时刻正在进行的动作 At this time tomorrow, we will be having a math class. I shall be watching TV at home at 8 o’clock tomorrow evening. 将来自然而然要发生的动作(无主观性) As we all know, the Yellow River will be flooding every summer. According to the schedule, he will be attending the meeting. 对自然而然要发生的事情进行求证、提醒 Will you be visiting your uncle in Japan? Will Toby be showing us his photos with his girlfriend? 注:will do和will be doing的比较 ★★ 1. will be doing更加强调动作的延续和贯穿;will do只是描述动作的发生. Tom will climb the mountain next week. (下周某时去爬山) Tom will be climbing the mountain next week. (下周一整周都在爬山) 2. will do可以表达某种主观意愿或意志;will be doing只是描述一种客观事实. Tom will not attend the meeting. (Tom不想参加这次会议——不愿意参加) Tom will not be attending the meeting. (Tom不将参加这次会议——没有安排) 3. will do 还可以表达邀请、请求和命令的语气;will be doing是对自然而然要发生事情的求证,不带任何感情色彩. Will you help me carry the box away? (你愿意帮我把这个盒子抬走吗?——请求) Will you be helping me carry the box away? (你是来帮我把这个盒子抬走的吧?) You will work in this office. (你就在这间办公室工作——命令) You will be working in this office. (你被安排在这间办公室工作) 四、过去将来时 功能 例句 过去将要发生的动作 We didn’t know there would be a heavy rain that night. 过去的计划(未实现)★ He was to leave London today, but his air ticket is lost. 过去的打算或安排 She said she was seeing you later that afternoon. 事后看过去某一事件对后来的影响★★ The accident that was to change her life happened in 1998. They said goodbye, not knowing they were never to meet again. 注:was/were about to do表示正要…,正打算…,往往跟when/just as连用. He was about to leave when the telephone rang. (这里when为“就在这时”,不是时间状语) Just as he was about to leave, the telephone rang.