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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/07 00:47:29
(五)罗斯与杰克都落入冰冷入骨的海中,罗斯趟到了一块漂浮的木板上,杰克则泡在水里,两个人都知道处境非常危险,在这个落水等待救援的时刻,罗斯对杰克说了整部电影唯一的一句:“i love u ”,杰克并没有说“我也爱你,罗斯”而是鼓励罗斯要坚持活下去,并为她设想了去往天国的场景,是在温暖的床上,而不是在这里.罗斯承诺杰克无论如何都要活下去.当救生艇姗姗来迟的时候,罗斯怎么也摇不醒杰克,罗斯并没有死在冰冷的海水了,但是……去的那位是杰克
(5) rose and jack are fall into the sea to the marrow cold, Ross trip to a floating wooden boards, jack is bubble in the water, both know that situation is very dangerous, in the water and wait for the rescue moments, Ross said to jack the movie only 1: "I love u," jack and didn't say "I love you too, Ross" but rather to encourage Ross to adhere to live, and as her ideas to the scene of the kingdom of heaven is in the warm bed, not here. Ross, no matter what commitment jack to live. When the belated lifeboat, Ross how also wave and jack, Ross and not die in cold water, but... Go to is that the jack
At the end of the film, old Ross dreams, she finally can and beloved jack together. Every man may have his deepest love hit. Right. This man, maybe you can't marry her, you marry him, but you put in the heart of the deepest love that position to TA, maybe you will never in future lover to lift this person, but it is often in TA you most happiness dreams, let you use life go to finish.