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英语翻译论旅游文本汉译英中文化意象的处理正文 文化意象是各个智慧和文化的结晶,具有独特的文化含义,有的还带有丰富的、意义

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:语文作业 时间:2024/07/02 18:55:31
靠 话说我的毕业论文也是旅游翻译
再问: 今年的学年论文,太麻烦了。。。
再答: A research on the manipulation of cultural imagery in C-E translation of tourist texts As the fruits of diversified wisdom and culture, Cultural imagery possesses unique cultural implication, some even with abundant and meaningful association. Due to diverse cultural and historical background, in the C-E translation practice of literature and tourism texts, the correct transfer of cultural imagery becomes the key to do well the translation work. This paper argues that the original cultural imagery should be reserved as much as possible and also other policies available would be employed to process the corresponding cultural imagery. To convey unique cultural imagery, more attention should be paid to the essence and soul of the original texts. In the following part, this paper discusses in detail about some effective policies and strategies applied in such a transfer of cultural imagery, taking the typical translation of xx tourist site as practical example.
再问: 也不是翻不了,就是要写的太多了,还有一篇论文和一本实习报告要写,下周就要交了,怕赶不及,只有借助大家的力量了,嘿嘿,不过你翻译的比我写的好很多啊,谢谢啦,追加50分奉上。