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英语作文.Way To Be Success这是题目.要求:170~200字.从三个方面讨论.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 01:14:35
英语作文.Way To Be Success这是题目.要求:170~200字.从三个方面讨论.
英语作文.Way To Be Success这是题目.
Success is: knowledge + diligence + opportunity = success
Speaking of "success" this generation Ming word I couldn't help feeling extremely: success is like a fickle kind old man; When you to his gentle when he will give you hold up the life to sail for you brave the wind and waves for you from the rain; When you angry, pull a long face he will abandon you slipped away to give up. Want me to say ah "success" is bumpy road journey of life for you on a street lamp refers to "light" in front of the thorns.
Someone ask what is the secret of learning scholars. Mr Hu said: "bold assumption, caution beg a certificate." Mr. ZhangZhongHang said: "heart in heaven, feet on the ground." Mr. FanWenLan said: "out of the round earth." out of the 'is active mind,' round earth 'is the spirit that study." Compare their point of view, it is found that: bold imagination and hard study is the key to success.
Bold imagination is a precondition for success. People often say: "no different to the one day, open." That is to make "opening day," the result, must first have the bold imagination. If no one wants to have invented the steam engine, humans don't have to have the first industrial revolution; If no Einstein bold the theory of relativity, human beings could not get into the atomic age; If no one wants to have invented the electric light, telephone, computer and electric appliances, man can't into electrical and information. Throughout the history of human, human growth of each step and bold imagination are inseparable. It is a bold vision inspired people and guide people step by step to civilization, for development, to boom. However, light has a bold imagination is not enough, the sky won't fall down pie for no reason. To be successful, still have to rely on our own efforts.
Hard at is the key to the door to success. A bold hypothesis, we should try to make it a reality. Edison invented the electric light to thousands of times experiment and tried the thousands of materials; Marie Curie in order to discover radium, has made countless experiment, sacrifice their health, their book still for radiation is too strong and be quarantined save; The Nobel invented dynamite to, but also be countless times, many times the blown to was black and blue all over. As bacon said: "success is bitter root grown on the sweet fruit." Countless facts proved that to be successful, in addition to study assiduously there is no alternative. Bold ideas is a precondition for success, and hard work of study is the guarantee of success. The two complement each other, be short of one cannot. Nowadays the society has many people all day long in the sun, doing will only dream of expensive car, house, the only know utopian but not man of action and how can succeed? But careful observation surroundings of the person also is not difficult to find queen, such as pioneer of is both dare to think and dare to dry.
说起“成功”这个代明词我不禁感慨万分 :成功就像一位善变的慈祥老人 ; 当你对他温柔时他会给你撑起人生的航帆 为你乘风破浪 为你遮风挡雨 ;当你对他生气,愁眉苦脸时 他会悄然离去 抛弃 放弃你 .要我说呀“成功”是人生坎坷旅途道路中的指路灯 为你‘拄’亮前方的荆棘.
大胆的想象是取得成功的先决条件.人们常说:“没有异想,那有天开.”也就是说要想取得“天开”的成果,首先得有大胆的想象.如果没有人想要发明蒸汽机,人类就不用有第一次工业革命;如果没有爱因斯坦大胆提出相对论,人类就不会进入原子时代;如果没有人想要发明电灯,电话,电脑等电器,人类就不能进入电器乃至信息时.纵观人类的历史,人类成长的每一步都与大胆的想象密不可分.正是这一个个大胆的设想激励着人们,引导着人们一步一步走向文明,走向发展,走向繁荣. 然而,光有大胆的想象还远远不够,天上不会无缘无故地掉下馅饼来.要想取得成功,还得靠自己的努力.
刻苦钻研是打开成功之门的金钥匙.有了大胆的假设后,我们应该努力把它变为现实.爱迪生为了发明电灯做了几千次实验,试了上千种材料;居里夫妇为了发现镭,做了无数实验,牺牲了自己的健康,他们的记录本至今还因辐射太强而被隔离保存;诺贝尔为了发明炸药,更是无数次的身临其境,多次被炸得遍体鳞伤.正如培根所说:“成功是苦根上长出的甜果.”无数的事实证明,要想取得成功,除了刻苦钻研别无他法. 大胆的设想是成功的先决条件,而刻苦 的钻研是成功的保证.二者相辅相成,缺一不可.如今社会上有许多人终日游手好闲,无所事事,只会梦想着名车,洋房,这种只知道空想的却不会实干的人又怎么会取得成功呢?而细心观察周围的人也不难发现王选,张朝阳等时代先锋都是既敢想又敢干的人.