作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

41.The new discoveries there have ____ greatly to our knowle

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 16:08:17
41.The new discoveries there have ____ greatly to our knowledge of the ancient civilization in China.[ 1分]
* 42.Everyone knows that water ______ oxygen and hydrogen.[ 1分]
A.consists inB.is composed ofC.is made fromD.is consisted of
* 43.The man who came to help is a friend of ______[ 1分]
* 44.He never told us why he was late for last meeting,______?[ 1分]
A.wasn't heB.didn't heC.did heD.had he
* 45.Reading stories is one of his favorite ______.[ 1分]
* 46.After everyone was seated the chairman _______ to announce the plans.[ 1分]
* 47.His parents ______,the orphan is now taken care of by the government[ 1分]
A.have diedB.having diedC.dyingD.dead
* 48.You should abide _____ your promise as a man of honor[ 1分]
* 49.Would you mind ______ down and wait for a few more minutes?[ 1分]
A.sittingB.to sitC.to have satD.sit
* 50.Your coat will lose color ______ it is washed[ 1分]
A.afterB.thoughC.untilD.even if
* 51.Who is going to ______ the telephone?[ 1分]
* 52.The factory has been ______ black smoke from its chimneys.[ 1分]
A.spreadingB.sendingC.emittingD.giving out
* 53.All the passengers were killed in the air _____ except the airhostess,who survived it only to die of hunger and thirst in the desert.[ 1分]
* 54.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west,so it seems as if the sun ______ round the earth[ 1分]
A.circlesB.is circlingC.be circlingD.were circling
* 55.He spoke in a quiet,distinct voice as if his thought _______.[ 1分]
A.was far awayB.had been far awayC.were far awayD.went far away
* 56.If you have no _________ use for this book,I'll give it to someone else.[ 1分]
* 57.It was then that I noted a change ______ the stranger's face.[ 1分]
A.come toB.come overC.come onD.come through
* 58.After the revolution,the political ______ of that country remained tense[ 1分]
* 59.Is this the village ______ you visited last year?[ 1分]
A.in whichB.whereC.whichD.at which
* 60.They were evidently trying to _______ the public into obedience.[ 1分]