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初二完型填空.四、完形填空It's Saturday today and Jim 1___ at home and do

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/10 14:48:27
It's Saturday today and Jim 1___ at home and does nothing because he doesn't
have any lessons.But his mother is 2___.She has a lot of housework to do.So
she gives some apples and bananas to her children and says to Jim,“3___ Ann.
I am going to do some washing now.”
“Ok,mummy,”says Jim,The boy 4___ apples and bananas very much.He 5___ his
soon and now he wants Ann's.But the little girl doesn't give him any.He
thinks for a while(一会儿) and then has an 6___.He asks Ann to play an animal
game with him.
The girl agrees(同意).Jim 7___ to play a monkey and Ann plays a visitor(游客).
They areshavingsa good time.After a while Jim stops and says,“Oh,the
monkey is 8___.Feed him,please.”Ann 9___ some bananas to him.Half an hour
later(之后) Ann has no bananas.Jim 10___ playing and the little girl begins to
A.stays B.lives C.works D.be
A.free B.busy C.happy D.dangerous
A.Look at B.Look like C.Listen to D.Look after
A.likes B.is like C.looks likes D.want
A.finish eating B.eat
C.finishes eating D.finishes to eat
A.apple B.orange C.idea D .egg
A.agrees B.begins C likes D.wishes
A.friendly B.full C.hungry D.sorry
A.gives B.shows C.sells D.takes
10?A.doesn't B.likes C.stops D.starts
2 B.busy
3 D.Look after
4 A.likes
5 C.finishes eating
6 C.idea
7 B.begins
8 C.hungry
9 A.gives
10 C.stops