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英语翻译我是来自高二x班的xxx,现任跆拳 道社社长.本人学习跆拳道已有五年多,在修炼过程中,我深受跆拳道精神的熏 陶.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:58:04
我是来自高二x班的xxx,现任跆拳 道社社长.本人学习跆拳道已有五年多,在修炼过程中,我深受跆拳道精神的熏 陶.礼义廉耻,忍耐克己,百折不屈,跆 拳道的精神让我懂得待人处事要以礼为 先,冲动懂得克制自己,遇困难时绝不屈 服,因为跆拳道人的肉体可以被打倒,但 作为跆拳道社的一员,我希望 能和各位社员们共同努力,创造属于跆拳道社的辉煌!
I am ×××× from Class ××,Grade 2. Nowadays I am the president of the Tae Kwon Do Club. I have studied Tae Kwon Do for more than five years, and I have already grown up under the nurture of Tae Kwon Do movement's advocating technology and etiquette, ethics, self-cultivation of the sport. It makes me know that all the things etiquette first, everyone should know how to control self, and never yield to difficulties. Because who knows Tae Kwon Do, who knows that the body is down, but the spirit should never give up. Being one member of the Tae Kwon Do Club, I hope all the members and me can work hard together to create “brilliantachievements” for our Tae Kwon Do Club !