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求英语翻译!摘 要近代中国积贫积弱,内忧外患.伴随着列强的铁蹄,很多传教士来到中国,名为传经布道,实则推行文化侵略.但是

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 06:14:11
摘 要
在近代中德关系史上,卫礼贤的名字举足轻重,不可或缺.一个只走了57年人生历程的德国人,却把生命中最宝贵的25年光阴留在了中国,其中的22年留在了山东青岛.一个虔诚的基督徒,不经意间,变成了如痴如醉的孔教徒.这其中究竟经历了怎样艰苦、复杂而又痛苦的心路历程呢? 在这这57年里他对中德文化有哪些贡献?
关键词:中德文化 ;卫礼贤;传播
Abstract Modern China poor and weak internal and external problems.With the cruel powers,many missionaries came to China,called the pass on evangelism,but in reality the implementation of cultural aggression.However,there is such a German missionary,holding the simple idea of \u200b\u200bsaving the common people,traveled to China,the Chinese struck by the profound traditional culture,the shock,became a firm defender of traditional culture and communication who remain,life-long dedication.He is Wilhelm.Sino-German relations in the modern history of the name of Wilhelm important,indispensable.Only 57 years left of a life course of the German people,yet the students
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