作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

___you ____further problems with your printer,contact your d

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 09:40:48
___you ____further problems with your printer,contact your dealer for advice.should had ,
为什么不能用 in case ,that
你的答案是错的.应该是should -- - have.(should +动词原形)
in case (== if) +句子 :如果,万一- - - - .
Should you have further problems with your printer(条件状语从句部分),contact your dealer for advice(主句部分)
=== In case you should have further problems with your printer,contact your dealer for advice
再问: In case you should have further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice. 为什么要加should 呢 ? in case you had further problems..... 这个可以吗?
再答: 你好。in case you had further problems.....是错的。 以下都是正确的:1 in case you have further problems (主将从现原则) 2 In case you should have further problems (should的使用在于说话人认为“假如”或者“万一”,因为在他看来have problems是有可能的)
再问: shoul 是万一, in case 在这里也是万一 ,会不会重复了呢 ?
再答: 你好。这一点你就不必担心了。英语与汉语不一样,不是一个概念。在许多场合in case可以搭配should.你的句子就是一个例子。 其实两个短语是通用的,可以相互转换,in case后面带的现在式、虚拟时态,都是表示“以防万一”的意思。 Take an umbrella in case it rains/ should rain. 未雨绸缪。 快周末了,祝你周末愉快。