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英语翻译TO BE A FREE MANIn a much quoted passage in his inaugura

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 19:57:32
In a much quoted passage in his inaugural address,former U.S.President John F.Kennedy said,“ Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” In replying to the call,Milton Friedman,Nobel Prize winning economist,stated in his book Capitalism and Freedom,“ Neither half of the statement expresses a relation between the citizen and his government that is worthy of the ideals of free man in a free society.The paternalistic “ what your country can do for you” implies that government is the patron,the citizen the ward; a view that is at odds with the freeman's belief in his own responsibility for his own destiny.The organismic,“what you can do for your country” implies that government is the master or the deity,the citizen,the servant or the votary.To the free man,the country is the collection of individuals who compose it,not something over and above them.He is proud of a common heritage and loyal to common traditions.But he regards government as a means,an instrumentality,neither a grantor of favors and gifts,nor a master or god to be blindly worshipped and served.”
Friedman said,“The free man will ask neither what his country can do for him nor what he can do for his country.He will ask rather ' what can I and my compatriots do through government ' to help us discharge our individual responsibilities,to achieve our goals and purposes,and above all,to protect our freedom?And he will accompany this question with another:How can we keep the government we create from becoming a Frankenstein that will destroy the very freedom we establish it to protect.”
On your graduation day,I believe,with the knowledge and skills gained from WECL ,we can help all of you discharge your individual responsibilities,and to achieve your many goals and purposes in your life.
美国前总统约翰F.肯尼迪的就职演说中有一个经常被引述的段落,他说:“不要问你的国家能为你做什么,问你能为国家做什么.”对此,诺贝尔奖获得者,经济学家米尔顿 弗里曼在他著作的书本《资本主义与自由》中说:“这两个半句都没能表达出公民与政府之间任何能与自由人在自由的社会的理念相等的联系.“你的国家能为你做什么”是家长式的理念,它寓示政府是监护人,公民是被监护人;这种观点与弗里曼的信仰相悖,他认为人应该掌握自己的命运.“你能为你的国家做什么”这句话把政府比作主人或者神,而公民被比作仆人或者神的崇拜者.对于自由人来说,国家是组成其的个体的集合,而不是凌驾于个人之上的.他以拥有共同的遗产为荣,并忠诚于共同的传统.但是他把政府看作一种方式,一种工具,既不是施舍好意和礼物的人,也不是让人盲目崇拜的神,或者让人服侍的主人.“