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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 05:33:52
一直关注着这个问题 如果有答案 第一时间给分 谢谢各位大大了 帮帮忙 我很急
国人写这个 Press Freedom and Democracy(新闻自由与民主)的主题还是蛮敏感的.就连你提问的这个网络,我放些维基的link都不行,有些词汇在国内是被封锁的.我简单引用一点Central Michigan University某人的一篇Press Freedom in Asia的文章内容,你可以删选自己需要的句子去写点东西.
When theories have major difficulties in providing a guide to the understanding of the realities they are supposed to describe,new paradigms or improvements on the existing theories are needed,so are the criteria of the Freedom House for assessing global press freedom when their rankings can be misleading.Obviously,more factors have to be taken into consideration than each country’s laws and administration,the degree of political and economic influence on the content of journalism and actual cases of press-freedom violations,which now determine the score (Sussman,1999) and which fail to reflect the sweeping changes on the Chinese press scene.
In the Last Rights,the authors concluded that the four theories were a “durable” but now “questionable” map and that a “more adequate” map is needed (Nerone,1995,p.181).The book presented inspiring criticism of the four theories but stopped short of proposing a new paradigm in creating new theories.But such efforts are urgently needed if we want to draw up a “more adequate” guide to the world’s myriad changing press systems.
It may be suggested that one major factor to consider in building a new paradigm is the optimal balance between specification and universality.The four theories of the press have the beauty and elegance of a very simple but clear structure – four categories under a dichotomy,which aimed to cover all the press systems in the world.Conveniently general as they are,the four or five theories have difficulties in providing a reliable guide to the global press systems.The universality of the theories is limited.However,if we try too hard at being specific and accurate in describing press systems,we may end up with as many press theories as the number of press systems that exist.
Another important factor in building a more reliable theoretical guide may be that more dynamics need to be built into the theories so that they can accommodate the changes in the press systems around the world.Obviously,press systems in new democracies in Eastern Europe are very different from the press systems in the West even though they all operate under democratic systems now.The press systems in new democracies in Asia,such as Indonesia,Cambodia,the Philippines,Taiwan and South Korea,vary from those in Eastern Europe despite the fact that they are all new democracies.And the communist press system in China today cannot be compared with the Chinese press system two decades ago,let alone the original Soviet communist model.It would defeat the purpose of having theories if every time changes occur,new theories have to be created.
The last but not the least important factor to consider is that the press theories that are supposed to describe world press systems have to have a wider base to reflect a broader,more balanced global view.Given adequate attention to factors,such as Oriental history and culture,African and South American perspectives and economic pressure,the imperfections of the established theories caused by the authors’ Western bias and their sole focus on political or governmental influence may be corrected.
In building a new paradigm for press theories,new ways of thinking should be adopted as press control comes in many ways and forms,including social and professional institutions.And press theories do not have to be limited to address the issue of press freedom and government control alone,they can describe stages of press development and the level of public involvement as well.The possibilities of the new paradigm are limitless as well as challenges.But one thing is certain.The task is made much easier given the high starting point of the four theories of the press.The task is daunting but also exciting.This paper hopes to inspire wider interest in the topic.
freedom of speech and the press(确保言论和新闻自由);
A weariless defender of freedom of the press(一个不屈不挠的新闻自由的捍卫者);
our religious freedoms,press freedom and civil liberties.