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英语作文 4月22日是世界地球日 为了唤醒大家对地球环境的重视,你校展开了以世界地球日为主题的活动.根据下文写一篇英语短

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 03:05:40
4月22日是世界地球日 为了唤醒大家对地球环境的重视,你校展开了以世界地球日为主题的活动.根据下文写一篇英语短文
上午:1 :利用学校广播,宣传橱窗 电子屏幕等宣传平台宣传世界地球日及其意义
As we know,protecting the environment is very important. To make people pay attention to our environment,
our school decides to hold an activity about the World Earth Day on April 4th .
In the morning, we are going to claim the World Earth Day and its meaning by the radio , posts , and some
LED electronic in the school. After that , we will suggest students saving the resource in our daily life.Such as turning off the tap after we wash hands , switching off the light when we are not in the room. And we are also going to read some books about how to protect the environment and the resource , use the theory we 've learn to teach students to start out of small to protect our own Earth.
In my opinion , it is very necessary to protect our Earth and teach the young to do this. We should prevent our environment from getting "weak".