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英语翻译林肯生平:1818年,9岁,年仅34岁的母亲不辛去世 1831年,22岁,经商失败 1832年,23岁,竞选州议

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/13 15:17:27
俄国著名作家列夫•托尔斯泰评价说,林肯总统由于具有独特的精神力量和伟大的人格,已经成为世界 人民心目中的传奇人物
Lincoln was the greatest American president,but his life is filled with difficulties and frustrations. Lincoln was born into a poor family, and when he was nine years old his mother died, until he was 15 years old, he began reading. When Lincoln was 24 years old, he did business with his friend. But because of the result of poor management, their store closed down, and Lincoln was in debt for 15 years. When Lincoln was 25 years old, his first girlfriend Anne died because of illness, which made him cry his heart out and often appeared emotional depression since that. When Lincoln was 32 years old, he married with Mary Todd, but after getting married, his wife became grumpy and often didn’t return home.
He ran for office, but he almost lost every major election. In 1838, Lincoln was 29 years old, and he tried his best to the spokesman of the state legislature, but he failed. In 1840, Lincoln was 31 years old, he wanted to become the elector, but he failed. In 1843, Lincoln was 34 years old, he participated in congressional election, but he failed again. In 1846, Lincoln was 37 years old, he participated in congressional election, and this time he was elected. In 1848, Lincoln was 39 years old, he wanted to become a two-term congressman, but he failed. In 1849, Lincoln was 40 years old, he was rejected when he wanted to be the Secretary in their own State. In 1854, Lincoln was defeated in the Senate race when he was 45 years old. In 1856, Lincoln was 47 years old, he strived for the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party's national convention, but got less than 100 votes. In 1858, Lincoln was 49 years old, he was defeated again in the Senate race. But Two years later,Lincoln was elected president of the United States. In 1864, Lincoln was 55 years old, he also was re-elected President, and the civil war which made Lincoln suffer a lot finally came to an end.
Lincoln led the American Civil War, the armed struggle of unprecedented scale in the history of America, and he abolished the slavery system and safeguarded the unity of the United States of America.The famous Russian writer Leo TOlstcly evaluated Lincoln said, President Lincoln because of his independent mental strength and great personality, he had become the legendary figure in all over the world’s people’s mind.
Revolutionary teacher Marx highly evaluated Lincoln said, he was a men who won't be intimidated by difficulty and won't be confused by success, he went toward his great goal tirelessly and never act rashly, he ahead steadily and never walked backwards;...in a word, he was the men who still maintained his own good quality, after he had achieved greatness level. He was so modest, so that it’s not until he become a martyr and fell down that people of the world found that he was a hero.
英语翻译林肯生平:1818年,9岁,年仅34岁的母亲不辛去世 1831年,22岁,经商失败 1832年,23岁,竞选州议 英语翻译1832年,林肯失业了,他要当政治家,当州议员但竞选失败了.接着,林肯着手自己开办企业,可一年不到,企业就倒闭了 英语翻译1832年,林肯失业了,他下定决心要当政治家.可是他竞选失败了.在一年里遭受两次打击,这对他来说无疑是痛苦的.接 这句推理有问题吗如果卡特在1979年去世,那么他就不会在1980年的总统竞选中失败;如果卡特在1980年的竞选中没有失败 求父母亲碑文对联我,兄妹5人.父亲:姜培清,于2001年(63岁)去世;母亲:廉法香,于1987年(48岁)去世.父亲排 林肯代表的美国共和党1860年总统竞选的主题反映了林肯的什么主张 英语翻译范妮的母亲47岁死于乳腺癌,那时范妮才15岁.范妮的祖母在50来岁的时候也因肺癌去世.那年夏天,范妮是在无法忍受 英语翻译他借钱经商,年底就破产,欠下的债花了16年才还清.林肯领导北方取得美国内战的胜利.人们怀念他正直,仁慈和坚强的个 英语翻译这是一个年仅5岁,正在幼儿园上学的小男孩.他内心早熟,喜欢向大姐姐搭讪.最初他与父亲野原广志和母亲野原美伢组成一 英语翻译他三岁的时候母亲去世了,13岁父亲去世.婚后有一个儿子,又拣一个弃婴女儿,对女儿视如己出.中年妻子出车祸去世,去 永生的眼睛 1965年炎夏的一天,母亲被一场突如其来的疾病夺去了生命,年仅36岁.下午,一位警官来访,为医院要取母亲的眼 林肯竞选总统失败了多少次.