作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

7.The driver turned sharply to-----left to avoid a stone onl

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/15 00:28:27
7.The driver turned sharply to-----left to avoid a stone only to knock into------tree by the road.
A.\;the B\;a C.the;\ Dthe;a
8.the warmth of----sweater is determined by the sort of------wool used.
A.the;the B.the;\ C\;the D\;\
9.----teacher of my grandfathers will visit us tomorrow.I am wondering
how old-----man he is.
A.the;a B.A;a C.A;the DThe;the
10.The aid set aside by ------government are for--------people of the flooded area.
A.the;\ B.The;the C.\;the D.\;\
11.----- Pacific region will be one of the fastest growing areas in the world in ------21st century.
A.The;\ B.The;the C\;the D\;\
12.THe frofessor and-----scientist we are talking about is------able man.
A.\;an B.the;an C.\;a D.the;a
13.Dont borrow money from him.He is-----than you.
A.ont rich B.no rich C.not richer D.no richer
the key isDBBBBAD
bue mine isADACABC
piease tell me why!
第七题:turn to the left 固定用法,指的是在马路的左边
knock into a tree 在这里是泛指,某一棵树.
第十二题:这里的Professor和scienst指的是同一个人,根据句子的谓语动词is可以来判断we are talking about 是定语,修饰的是这个人.
第十三题:no +形容词或副词比较级+than可以表示“与...同样不的意思,和该形容词或副词的意思相反.固定用法