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a video game lead to murder?英文辩论的正方一辩陈词!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 08:38:17
a video game lead to murder?英文辩论的正方一辩陈词!
是要说他可以杀还是说不可以呀... 再答: 给我这个答案我就可以帮助你了 不好意思哦
再问: 正方就是 网络游戏会导致谋杀 谢谢 英文的啊 谢谢
再答: 摁摁
再答: 你读...?
再答: 我才可以知道英语级别
再问: 大二 您大概多久 我等您 谢谢
再答: 不是哦 我是说你多大了
再答: 不是哦 我是说你多大了
再答: 读初中麼
再答: 还是高中
再问: 大二 英文专业的 但是也不要写的太学术化了 谢谢 正常就好
再答: 不好意思哦
再答: 一边请问说大概多长时间
再答: 一辩*
再答: 然后是要讲什么的... 不太了解辩论赛
再答: 刚上百度查了
再答: 幸好写对了
再答: 发不出去
再答: 太长了吧
再答: 有没有Q
再答: 加一下
再答: 不然我小段小段传好了
再答: I will admit first off, even as an adult I have enjoyed playing video games. Not so much as I did when I was a child but times have moved on and so has the experience. I was chatting with a group last night when, two of the group are parents with teenage children. The topic moved onto video games and the fact that they cause violence in people of all ages. My own view on this, guided by what I have seen while playing online MMO's which is Mass multi-player online games and what I have read in the news leads me to agree with them. But, the others at the table all said it had no effect whatsoever. Here I am going to go into the different types of video game addiction along with some recent cases that have made the headlines, including some that have even lead the youth to murder.
再答: So first, let's look at the different types of video games. The main stream ones, when most people discuss the real world issues revolving video games normally the first type of game listed is the fps this stands for first person shooter, meaning the player only sees the weapon and little else. Because these games often contain strong levels of violence, human interactions such as voice communication and in game profanity, has lead many to believe these sorts of games are dangerous, giving young minds bad ideas and in some cases the violence can escalate outside of the online realm.
再答: Another type of game, which is the most common type that you will run into e-thugsa name given to those who will happily bully someone over a video game from the safety of their keyboard, but have also been known to give out real life threats.
In my eyes there are three main types of gamers, Casual gamers , who maybe play couple of hours a week when nothing else is going on and have a nice chat with friends while doing so. The next are the professional gamers, these players strive to be the best in the game they play often competing for money in e-sport competitions. The last and the type I will be focusing most in the article are the hardcore and addicted gamers. Those who either have little life outside of their virtual abyss or just choose to spend most of their waking hours lost in a virtual haven.
Now here are a very sad example of what has happened before.
再答: The first and in my eyes, without a video game aspect one of the saddest cases I have read about in many years. In which a young man of 16 at the time, fatally shot his mother and then turned the gun on his father who miraculously survived. All that because of the game Halo 3. In Ohio, The teenager who shot and killed his mother and wounded his father after they took away his new and favourite video game learned he was to spend life in prison, but would be eligible for parole after serving 23 years behind bars. This young man was sentenced at just 17, not even old enough to buy a beer in most countries and already he has thrown away his life because of a $60 video game.
再答: 谢谢之类的你就自己加喽
再答: 有什麼不满意的修改一下
再答: 往采纳 谢谢
再答: 我要睡喽
再答: 喂
再答: 你既然问了 我都幸苦打了你连读都没读
再答: 额额好吧