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英语翻译B.I was born in HK,and now live in Canada.Over the past

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 03:18:21
I was born in HK,and now live in Canada.Over the past 10 years I have visited HK quite a few times and withnessed the changes it has endured .In my opinion the British dad a marvellous job with HK.It's now up to China to preserve this jewel,and allow the people of Hong Kong to continue its growth.My hope for HK is that it will not be ruined by conflicthing political ideals,but rather it will continue to prosper and be an example to China of what the rest of the country coule be.
A couple of years ago I travelled to Hong Kong and spoke to a lot of locals aobut life in post-handover Hong Kong.The consensus was that they were not happy ; wages had fallen and property prices hand also fallen.People were particularly concerned about the loss of Cantonese culture with the folood of mainland Chinese coming to be island both as visitors and to take up work .Many Hong Kong people no longer considered themselves as Chinese,but as Hong Kongers
I grew up in Hong Kong and now study in England.I was only 9 when Hong Kong was handed over to the chinese government ,but i can certainly say that things have changed positively in general .Sure enough ,there are a lot of things and issues that we want resolved,but I cannot deny that the HKSAR government has been working hand in hand with the general public to make Hong Kong a better place to live in .i love Hong Kong ,i am proud to be chinese,and i am also proud to be from Hong Kong
As a visitor,I was in Hk in the 70"s,the 90's,and in 2006.it is always an exciting city,a shopping paradise,with super food and nice people,i have not really noticed any change,except for increased traffic,the new airport and new malls.Unfortunately i do not speak Cantonese,so my impression is only superficial.If i were younger and starting a business career,i would relocate there and learn the language.
B 我出生在香港,现在住在加拿大.十年来,看到了它所经历的变化.在我看来,英国为香港做了很了不起的工作.现在轮到中国来保持这个成果,让香港人继续维持这个发展.我希望香港不会被冲突的政治观念的毁坏,而是将继续繁荣发展为其他城市做一个榜样.
C 几年前,我回到香港,和许多当地人交谈关于香港被移交之后的生活.舆论就是他们并不快乐.工资和财产价值都降低了.随着大量中国大陆人来到香港旅游和工作,人们在一部分上担心广东文化会因此丢失/衰落.许多人不再把自己当做中国人,而是香港人.
D 我在香港长大,现在在英国读书.香港被移交给中国政府时,我只有九岁.但我可以确切的说,总体来说,事情是往好的方向发展.的确,我们想要解决的事情和问题有很多,但是我不会否认,香港政府和公众一切携手,想把香港变成一个更适合居住的地方.我爱香港,我为自己作为中国人而自豪,而且我也为自己来自香港而自豪.