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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/08 17:29:26
4、The photographs which the astronomers were able to_____show us theearth in space looking not very different from what the moon looks like when welook at it from the earth.
A.reveal B.repair C.take D.indicate 正确答案是选C
5、The nine planets,together with the sun,____what is called our solar system.
A.consist of B.make up C.are composed of D.aremake up of
答案是选B,但我选了D 为什么,不应该是复数要加be动词复数吗?
6、In August 1977,a satellite was launched to gather data about the 10million black holes____to be in the Milky Way
A.are thought B.which thought C.arethinking D.which are thought
7、It was difficult for us to realize what our earth lookedfrom_____miles away.
A.hundreds of thousands B.a hundred of thousands C.hundreds of athousand D.hundreds of thousands of
8、Euthanasia doesn’t take into_____that there are ways of caring forthe dying.
A.account B.amount C.access D.attention
9、She is concerned that allowing euthanasia would______the needforcare and consideration of a wide range of people.
A.undertake B.underlie C.underestimate D.undermine
10、Some would argue that______would be dangerous to use this particularexample to support the case for euthanasia.
A.it B.those C.they D.others
11、Oxbridge graduates make up only two per centof the total_____ofstudents who graduate from Britain’s universities.
A.member B.members C.number D.numbers
这些题目貌似高考题目吧LZ 我先把每道题解释一下
第一题 固定短语 take the photographs表示 照相 可以等同于 take pictures
第二题 首先看together with 就前原则 那么本句的谓语动词 由主语the nine planets 9颗行星 决定
应该用复数 选择make up 表示组成,构成.
楼主选择被动的话 也应该是 be made up of
第三题 which are thought
which引导非限定性定语从句,which修饰a satellite was launched to gather data about the 10million black holes整个句子
另外被认为.用 be thought
第四题 hundreds of thousands of 表示 成千上万的
第五题 take .into account 表示 把.考虑在内.
第六题 undermine
They are trying to undermine my position.
The bad cold had undermined her health.
这句话大致意思是 她考虑的安乐死的想法损害了.
第七题 it 必须选it 形式宾语
第八题 固定短语 the number of…意思是“……的数字/数目”
很多题目啊 希望对你有所帮助 记得采纳啊lz
你的题目 很多看出积累的不够