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euthanasia,for a against 英语作文 100字左右

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 17:26:02
euthanasia,for a against 英语作文 100字左右
"We mustn't delay any longer … swallowing is difficult… and breathing, that's also difficult. Those musclesare weakening too … we mustn't delay any longer."
These were the words of Dutchman Cees van Wendelde Joode asking his doctor to help him die. Affectedwith a serious disease, van Wendel was no longerable to speak clearly and he knew there was no hopeof recovery and that his condition was rapidlydeteriorating.
Van Wendel's last three months of life before beinggiven a final, lethal injection by his doctor were filmed and first shown on television last year inthe Netherlands. The program has since been bought by 20 countries and each time it isshown, it starts a nationwide debate on the subject.
The Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia, although it is nottechnically legal there. However, doctors who carry out euthanasia under strict guidelinesintroduced by the Dutch Parliament two years ago are usually not prosecuted. The guidelinesdemand that the patient is experiencing extreme suffering, that there is no chance of a cure,and that the patient has made repeated requests for euthanasia. In addition to this, a seconddoctor must confirm that these criteria have been met and the death must be reported to thepolice department.
Should doctors be allowed to take the lives of others? Dr.Wilfred van Oijen, Cees van Wendel'sdoctor, explains how he looks at the question:
"Well, it's not as if I'm planning to murder a crowd of people with a machine gun. In that case,killing is the worst thing I can imagine. But that's entirely different from my work as a doctor. Icare for people and I try to ensure that they don't suffer too much. That's a very differentthing."
Many people, though, are totally against the practice of euthanasia. Dr. Andrew Ferguson,Chairman of the organization Healthcare Opposed to Euthanasia, says that "in the vastmajority of euthanasia cases, what the patient is actually asking for is something else. Theymay want a health professional to open up communication for them with their loved ones orfamily - there's nearly always another question behind the question."
Britain also has a strong tradition of hospices - special hospitals which care only for the dyingand their special needs. Cicely Saunders, President of the National Hospice Council and afounder member of the hospice movement, argues that euthanasia doesn't take into accountthat there are ways of caring for the dying. She is also concerned that allowing euthanasiawould undermine the need for care and consideration of a wide range of people: "It's veryeasy in society now for the elderly, the disabled and the dependent to feel that they areburdens, and therefore that they ought to opt out. I think that anything that legally allows theshortening of life does make those people more vulnerable."
Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic. Although they agree thatlife is important and should be respected, they feel that the quality of life should not beignored. Dr. Van Oijen believes that people have the fundamental right to choose forthemselves if they want to die: "What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me isthat dying people haven't the right. And that when people are very ill, we are all afraid of theirdeath. But there are situations where death is a friend. And is those cases, why not?"
But "why not?" is a question which might cause strong emotion. The film showing Cees vanWendel's death was both moving and sensitive. His doctor was clearly a family friend; his wifehad only her husband's interests at heart. Some, however, would argue that it would bedangerous to use this particular example to support the case for euthanasia. Not all patientswould receive such a high level of individual care and attention.