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英语翻译A feature-based generic setup planning for configuration

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 09:50:53
A feature-based generic setup planning for configuration
synthesis of reconfigurable machine tools
M.Kannan & J.Saha
Received:23 August 2007 / Accepted:25 September 2008 / Published online:27 November 2008
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2008
Abstract Reconfigurable machine tool (RMT) plays a vital role in reconfigurable manufacturing systems creating modularity,convertibility,reusability,and scalability in systems.
RMT also needs to be characterized for multiple spindle
orientations.Different tool positioning requirements (spindle
orientations) arising with a part or a part family can be
associated to synthesize and customize the RMT configuration.In this paper,we have proposed a new approach of generic setup planning (GSP) for RMT configuration synthesis.From the featurebased computer-aided design data,machining features are grouped according to their tool approach direction in GSP.To support its implementation,an enriched machining feature definition is also introduced.A new algorithm is developed for automating GSP generation and verified against a standard case study.
Keywords Feature enrichment .Generic setup planning .
Graph theory .Reconfigurable machine tool .
Configuration synthesis
GSP generic setup plan/planning
MTS machining task specification
EHG extended-hybrid graph
MFG machining feature group
TAD tool approach direction
MV machining volume
EMF enriched machining feature
MF machining feature
ADD approach direction depth
RMF reference machining force
TAL tool approach length
TAI tool approach index
FRG feature relation graph
MDF machining datum feature
MFGG machining feature group graph
tool approach index
M.Kannan & J.Saha