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英语翻译1.自动取款机的功能是,无论在银行营业或关门时都让人们用一种特殊的卡从银行帐户(BANK ACCOUNT)取出钱

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 00:14:03
1.自动取款机的功能是,无论在银行营业或关门时都让人们用一种特殊的卡从银行帐户(BANK ACCOUNT)取出钱.(FUNCTION)
5.人们常把美国看作一个不同民族的大熔炉.(MELTING POT,VIEW)
9.老一辈的人往往发现,在现代社会,不论他们如何努力,要阻挡年青人发生变化是困难的.(HOLD BACK)
1) The function of the ATM (Automatic Transaction Machine) is such that,whether it's the opening hours or closing hours of the bank,it allows people to withdraw money from their bank accounts using a special type of card.
2) If you wish to succeed in life,it is essential that you build up your confidence.
3) If you are applying for jobs,you should be well prepared for interviews,since you will often get some difficult questions.
4) If you have to drive at night for your work,your health will certainly be affected/it will certainly affect your health.
5) People often view America as a multicultural melting pot.
6) The team members/players draw lots to decide who gets to play first.
7) I'd rather take a walk outside than staying inside for two hours doing nothing.
8) The main purpose of this interview is to test the applicant's English skills.
9) The older generation often realize that,in the modern society,no matter how hard they try,they cannot hold back the younger generation from changing.
英语翻译1.自动取款机的功能是,无论在银行营业或关门时都让人们用一种特殊的卡从银行帐户(BANK ACCOUNT)取出钱 英语翻译内容如下基于VHDL语言对银行自动取款机的设计和实现摘要:ATM自动取款机作为一种日常工具,是银行系统的重要组成 自动存取款机的“英文”是什么? 一张储蓄卡的密码共有6位数字,每位数字都可从0—9中任选一个.某人在银行自动取款机上取钱时,忘记了密码的最后一位数字,求 英语翻译翻译句子:19.上次银行人不是说,在自动取款机上装有摄像头,那个取走我卡里钱的小偷会被拍下照片,照片你们提取出来 英语翻译因上一张订单,银行自动扣除了手续费UDS20,是贵司应付的银行手续费,我们可以在这张订单上补回BANK CHAR 英语翻译1、图书馆现在关门了吗?是的,它6点就关门了.2、这家超市每天营业24小时.3、在这幢高楼的右边是一个游泳池.4 为什么自动银行的英文翻译是:self-service banking. 而不是self-service bank呢? 我在农业银行取款机上取钱打上密码然后取款机说你的卡已被银行保留啥意思单子上英语字母翻译卡捕获什么意 银行自动取款机英文缩写叫什么?是ATM吗? 英语翻译以下是我公司的银行帐户明细(bank detail),USD和GBP你都可以汇到这个帐户里.不用逐字翻译,就是这 英语翻译银行的取款袋子,上面要印上“取款袋”三个字,其英文翻译当如何来写呢?