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Please help me translate this sentence,thanks so much!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 03:04:33
Please help me translate this sentence,thanks so much!
陈 楚辉承认,过去每晚到的士高酒吧”索k”,过颓癈生活,经外展社工接触带往青少年中心学跳舞后,在舞蹈中重拾人生目标,并当上舞员.浴火重生的他,在社区中心帮助其他边青习舞,帮他们回归正途.
Cheng Chuhui confesses that in the past he went to the Disco Bar to take drugs everyday.His dispirited life hadn't been changed until social workers who do out-reach work took him to the Juvenile Centre and taught him dancing.He reseted his life goal and became a dancer.From than on,he also teachs other teenagers living outside the mainstream society in the community to dance,as well as helps them return to normal life.