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英语翻译其中已经翻译了一点点,但是不是很对.没办法,个人能力有限,原文如下:Wittwer's work on show

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 02:56:41
Wittwer's work on show is based on photographs from Eastern Prussia,dating from around 1935 - 1945.The images depict the seemingly idyllic life of members of the local bourgeoisie – mostly Nazis – up to the Russian invasion.
The focus of Wittwer's Watercolours and Inkjetprints is on everyday subjects:children sledging,hunt scenes,a boat on the river,a merry-go-round...Only now and then there's a glimpse of a Nazi uniform or a scorched building.The seemingly banal subjects do not lessen the darkness radiating from the pictures; even without background knowledge,there is a general feeling of unease coming from the works.Wittwer has truly sussed the art of making beautiful pictures simmer with evil.
It is not all darkness though in Wittwer's world.There's an almost humorous thread,which – albeit its traceable connection to the subject of the show – strengthens the autonomy of the single image,easing it away from too much history and politics.Take the figurines for example,the porcelain statues generally admired by the burgeoisie and despised by those with opposing lifestyles:In one large-scale watercolour,we see two figurines – man and woman – engaged in a teasing dance at a masked ball.Wittwer portrays the pair in a way that makes them seem engaged in a lethal struggle,where the woman's fan becomes a bludgeon with which she is about to batter the man after ripping off his mask.This subtle satirical aspect returns in a number of works throughout the show,see for example the boy missing from the group of boys playing the harmonica in the entrance,– you will find him in the last room,playing his instrument between a dead stag and a rocking horse.
The show is intriguingly complex,because its subject touches on a burning issue (particularly in Germany) from recent history,yet – with the risk of this becoming a catchphrase for Uwe Wittwer – stronger than ever before in Wittwer's work,this show is about images,– about what we make of them,how images influence each other and how they fight for a place in our memory.
In this show,even pictures that are not obviously referential to works by other artists,begin to shove their way through our minds,until they find a spot next to a better-known picture.It is so,that your average woman walking down the steps in that Eastern Prussian forest ("Grosse Waldtreppe") demands to be seen next to Richter's and Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase",or the man steering his boat ("Boot negativ") through a river near Königsberg (Kalingrad),might as well be steering towards Böcklin's "Isle of the Dead".
我看了这篇文章的全文,作者对文章中举办画作展览的艺术家Wittwer(出生于1954年的一个画家),最后持有严重怀疑态度.因为从他的很多画作中都能联想到以往一些老艺术家非常有名的作品.你这里的英文只是截取了全文的一部分,后一部分文章作者说,在看Wittwer的作品展出,刚开始在场欣赏的人都感觉不错,但后来所有欣赏作品人都对Wittwer的作品产生了严重的怀疑.他抄袭别人的作品.我们看这篇文章的立场开始就不对,难怪会觉得比较难.(我开始也一头雾水 )
这次展出有一些作品,这些作品明显没给出参考了其他艺术家的作品的出处(如果是灵感来自什么名作,要给出出处,才算诚实)但是这些作品都最终都能我们让我们想到某些艺术家名作.比如这个作品”Grosse Waldtreppe“里,一个平庸的女人在东部普鲁士的一个森林里走下台阶,让我们想到了Richter(1932--德国画家) and Duchamp(1887-1968法国画家)的名作"Nude Descending a Staircase",又如”Got negativ“里,一个人划着船到了Königsberg (Kalingrad)这个地方『Kaliningrad是普鲁士的一个城市原名叫Königsberg』,也让我们想起了Böcklin的名作"Isle of the Dead"(Böcklin 1827-1901 瑞士画家)
英语翻译其中已经翻译了一点点,但是不是很对.没办法,个人能力有限,原文如下:Wittwer's work on show 英语翻译这是我在 蝴蝶效应上看到的,男主角对女主角说的话,很喜欢,但是由于个人能力有限,这句没听懂,只能看字幕知道是什么 英语翻译舍不得,但是没办法!用英文怎么翻译啊? 英语翻译本人毕业论文部分需要翻译,用了在线翻译,无奈导师说不行,本人英语能力有限,如下:新生代农民工城市融入中面临的问题 已经做完,但是没对 英语翻译内容如下,如果高手可以帮我翻译好的,真是十二万分的感谢.因为积分不是很多,所以没办法给得更多了.请大侠谅解.客户 英语翻译请问哪位能帮忙翻译以下的压力容器钢板描述?小弟没有积分了,实在没办法,但是我很急,万分感激  P 英语翻译翻译内容如下 :”上次在你们网站订购的配件 由于快递的问题 没能收到配件 已经收到了您的退款 但是我还是需要这个 英语翻译因为是自学的,不是很清楚.1,综合能力和实务能不能分开过?就是说第一年过了综合能力但是没过实务的话可不可以第二年 英语翻译原文如下:(有点长,翻译的朋友谢谢了!)SOLVING the Rubik's Cube puzzle has 英语翻译从欧洲带回来的化妆品,上面的说明看的不是很懂(个人水平有限),想请大家帮忙翻译得准确点,A specially 请翻译英文!(我已经没办法当好人了)