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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 06:48:45
car factory汽车制造厂
bus stop公交车站
life education终生教育
weather forecast天气预报
toy shop
birthday present
police office警察局
pollution prevention污染防治
gold medal金牌
stone house石头房子
stony heart铁石心肠
power plant电力厂
powerful smell强烈的味道
greeting telegram贺电
sales manager销售部经理
savings account储蓄户头
the Accounts Department会计科
diamond necklace 钻石项链
meeting room 会议室
railway staion 地铁站
water pipe 水管
welcome speech 欢迎辞
Beijing University 北大
story book 故事书
piano lessons 钢琴课
1she believes that the committee will consider our suggestion.她相信委员会将会考虑我们的建议.
2How long can he keep the book ?”这本书他可以借多久?
3Dr. Bethune set us a good example. 白求恩大夫给我们树立了好榜样.
4Crude oil contains many useful substances.原油含有许多有用的物质.
5Birds fly.鸟会飞.
6It happened in June 1932.这件事发生于一九三;年六月.
7THE watch stopped.表停了.
8She spoke at the meeting yesterday evening. 她在昨天晚上的会上发了言.
9She began working as a librarian after she left school.她毕业后当图书馆管理员
10When did they leave Chicago?他们是什么时候离开芝加哥的?
11They left last week. 他们是上周离开的.
12Does this cloth wash well? 这布经得起洗吗?
13The post office closes at 9:00 p. m.邮局晚上9点关门.
14Bill began working as a sailor after he left school.比尔毕业后当水手.
15They left yesterday.他们昨天离开的.
16The student works hard.这学生学习努力.
17The student learns English and German.这学生学习英语和德语.
18He works in a supermarket.他在一家超市工作.
19He works the machine on Mondays.他星期一操作这台机器.
20he likes MImi.