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GMAT GWD几道有争议的题目

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 02:12:41
GMAT GWD几道有争议的题目
1,Scientists have dated sharp-edged flakes of stone found in the fine-grained sediments of a dry riverbed in the Afar region of Ethiopia to between 2.52 and 2.60 million years ago, pushing back by more than 150,000 years the earliest date when it is known that humans made stone tools.
A.when it is known that humans made
C.at which humans are known to have made
2,The OLEX Petroleum Company has recently determined that it could cut its refining costs by closing its Grenville refinery and consolidating all refining at its Tasberg refinery. Closing the Grenville refinery, however, would mean the immediate loss of about 1,2000 jobs in the Grenville area. Eventually the lives of more than 10,000 people would be seriously disrupted. Therefore, OLEX’s decision, announced yesterday, to keep Grenville open shows that at OLEX social concerns sometimes outweigh the desire for higher profits.
A. The Grenville refinery, although it operates at a higher cost than the Tasberg refinery, has nevertheless been moderately profitable for many years.
E.Closure of the Grenville refinery would mean compliance, at enormous cost, with demanding local codes regulating the cleanup of abandoned industrial sites.
3,In one state, all cities and most towns have antismoking ordinances, a petition entitled “Petition for Statewide Smoking Restriction” is being circulated to voters by campaign workers who ask only, “Do you want to sign a petition for statewide smoking restriction?” The petition advocates a state law banning smoking in most retail establishments and in government offices that are open to the public.
Which of the following circumstances would make the petition as circulated misleading to voters who understand the proposal as extending the local ordinances statewide?
B.In rural areas of the state, there are relatively few retail establishments and government offices that are open to the public.
C.The state law would supersede the local antismoking ordinances, which contain stronger bans than the state law does.
3、我的观点:此题是B、C争议题,参考答案是B,我倾向于C。我觉得B是一个无关选项。下面,我解释一下选C的理由。题目问的是什么会导致voters产生误解,这些voters认为提案是把local ordinances延伸到statewide。而C表达的涵义是州法律会替代更严厉的地方法律。因此,按照C的表述,是用宽松的州法律替代严厉的地方法律,而非把地方法律扩展到整个州的范围。这会让voters产生误解。
网上的讨论:This is the explanation of choosing C:
A, B, and D are irrelevant and, therefore, gone. Now, consider the stem. If voters understand the petition in circulation as supporting a statewide extension of the current local ordinances, what would make the petition misleading? If the local ordinances are strict and the proposed state law were to be less strict, though applicable statewide, then that would be misleading to voters. In other words, the local ordinances would not be extended statewide. That's what C says. The reference answer, E, is irrelevant and incorrect.