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英语翻译Last week I took my children to a local zoo.In the café

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 12:54:19
Last week I took my children to a local zoo.In the café we stopped
at for lunch,the children’s food arrived in an animal-themed card-
board box and included a cheap animal toy.After a small amount
of inter-child toy envy and negotiation with the kind woman at
the checkout,both ended up with a six-inch rubber snake.Despite
having a monetary value of just a few pence,in the eyes of a 6-
and a 3-year-old child these were the most desirable items on the
planet.Twenty minutes later,when it transpired that one snake
was missing in a play area the size of a football field,I knew that
no amount of discussion about the financial worth,meagre quality,
or inauthentic design of the item was going to cut it with my
daughter,and I was either going to have to start a search of forensic
proportions,or else buy another lunch that no one wanted in the
hope that there was still a snake available that could be traded for
whatever toy came in the box.The experience was all the more
frustrating (until I found the snake by chance) because I knew that
the novelty would soon wear off.Seven days later I can report that
I haven’t seen the snakes; my children have no idea where they are
and have no interest in looking for them.