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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 01:47:44
我名叫@,来自河南省#市.从家到郑州不算很近,至今为止有将近半年没回家了,真的好想爸爸妈妈还有我可爱的弟弟.我今年18岁了,也到了该自立的年纪,离家在外的日子里我学会了很多,也成长了很多,相信爸爸妈妈看到一定会很欣慰的,从前一直依赖着她们的小女孩正在学着慢慢长大.我从小就很喜欢唱歌,日常生活中总会不自觉的哼唱几句,现在在大学,我加入了校艺术团歌曲部,它给我提供了一个舞台能让我更好的展现自己.同样,我也有文静的一面,我也喜欢在空闲时间写写画画,绣个十字绣,或者玩个电脑.动静相结合才能健康发展嘛 进入大学已经有几个月了,我感觉我已经完全是赢了大学生活,但我依旧怀念着我的高中.很怀念好朋友们相聚在一起,一起奋斗一起欢笑的日子.很怀念每天的朝五晚九的生活和堆积如山的作业.很怀念老师门的关心和训斥.我怀念的还有很多很多.写到这,我亲爱的老师,还有身在远方的朋友,大家都还好吗? 真的很想念你们. 大学生活是多姿多彩的,同时也有些无聊,关键还是在于个人.对于目前的生活我很满意,不是过于忙碌又不是很无聊.学校总会举办这样或那样的活动,我也选择做名积极分子,积极地参加各项活动. 刚进入大学,心中带着胆怯迷茫,又有憧憬.同学之间需要磨合,新的环境需要适应,但事情都会一步步走过来的,就像现在这样.目前的生活,虽和我想象中的不太一样,但我同样热爱.我相信拥有一个热爱生活的态度,一切都会变得美好一些.我会利用这三年时光让自己学习更多的知识,学会与人相处,学会独立,让自己逐渐成长.
ok 就你帮我翻译了 好的我还会加分的
My name is @ and I am from # City, Henan Province. The distance from my home to Zhengzhou is not close. So far, I haven’t been homefor almost half of a year. I am really missing my Mom and Dad and my dearest little brother. I am 18 this year, about time I should learn to be independent.
I have learned quite a lot for being away from home these days. I have also
grown up quite a bit. I am sure my Mom and Dad would be really proud of me. The
little girl used to rely on them is now learning to grow up gradually. I loved
to sing since I was little. I always like to hum a few words all the time. Now I have joined our university’s ‘singing division of the arts department’, which has provided me with a platform to
express myself. Similarly, I also have a gentle and quiet side. I love writing,
drawing and painting in my leisure time, embroidering a cross-stitch or playing
a little computer games. Well, I think that with the dynamic and static combination it would much be much healthier!

进入大学已经有几个月了,我感觉我已经完全是赢了大学生活,但我依旧怀念着我的高中.很怀念好朋友们相聚在一起,一起奋斗一起欢笑的日子.很怀念每天的朝五晚九的生活和堆积如山的作业.很怀念老师门的关心和训斥.我怀念的还有很多很多.写到这,我亲爱的老师,还有身在远方的朋友,大家都还好吗? 真的很想念你们.
It has been already a few months since I am in the university,and I think I am ahead of my university life! But I am still thinking of my senior high school. I am thinking of those days gathering with my good friends, thinking of those days, which we laughed and strived together,
thinking about the from 9 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon life, with
homework stuck up as high as a mountain, thinking of our teachers’ kind advice
and concerns. There are lots and lots of things, which I am still thinking
about. Pause from here and let me ask my dearest teachers and those far away friends
of mine, how is every one of you? I am really missing you all?

University life is very colourful, also it can be veryboring, it all dependents on each individual. To my current life, I am very satisfy, not too busy and not too boring. The university always has this or
that sort of activities. I also choose to be an active participant taking part in every activity.

When I first came to the university,my heart was kind of timid and confused, but also having a kind of expectations. Relations with fellow students need to be improved, the new environment needs
to be adjusted. But all things should let them run their own course, such as
now. Although my life here at the moment is not quite the same as what I have
been expected, I still love it a lot. I believe that if you have a passionate attitude
towards life, everything will turn out wonderful! I shall let myself learn more
in these 3 years of time. I shall learn how to get on with others. I shall learn
to be independent and make myself grow up gradually!
