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英语翻译1,直到他自杀,人们才怀疑他思维的清晰性.( Not until…; 强调句2种译法 )2,让大家惊讶的是,他只

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 06:11:44
( Not until…; 强调句2种译法 )
2,让大家惊讶的是,他只花了10,000元买下了那幅名家创作的油画.( buy )
3,尽管他缺钱,他只把他的小说卖了2000元.( sell )
4,毫无疑问,作为中国首富,他名符其实.( deserve )
5,任何破坏生态平衡的人都该受到惩罚.( deserve )
6,上海,中国的金融中心,应该拥有最先进的交通体系.( deserve )
7,Steven Spielberg,这位执导过许多经典影片的杰出导演,
在全世界享有( enjoy )盛誉.( reputation )
8,记住永远别和女性争论,即使真理站在你这边.( argue )
1, until he committed suicide, people suspect him of thinking clarity.
(did...; emphasize sentence translation 2),
2, let everybody surprise, he spent only 10,000 yuan to buy the painting masters creation paintings. (crashes)
3, although his lack of money, he put his novel sold 2000 yuan. (sell)
4, no doubt, as China's richest man, his real. ('ve)
5 the ecological balance, any man should be punished. ('ve)
6, Shanghai, China's financial hub, should have the most advanced transportation system. ('ve)
Steven Spielberg, 7, directing the many outstanding directors classic movies,
All over the world enjoy (take) reputation. (on)
8, remember forever, don't argue with women, even though the truth on your side. (meant)