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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:11:08
The dog made us a family
We inherited mydaughter liana when she was barely 5,she heen adopted from china by my closest friend of 30years,linad,a single 51 year old woman ,slim and delicate looking but tough and firm inside .linda had abackground of diverse illnesses.My husband later that when she walked merrily off the plane on cheristmas day in 1994 with her round ,worried looking chinese bady bundled in red and holding atoy bear he had aweird impression that we would eventually raise this child .three years my best friend died and liana came home with us .iwas 55,afulltime textbook editor whith two almost grown daughters .my huaband,an english professro ,was 48.iwas loking forward to a few years of empty nesting and then some grendchildren.Starting over with a dunamic kingergartner was, to be frank ,not my expectation. 大神们谢谢你们了,我除了单词什么也不认识,请从最基本的语法什么的固定搭配什么必须的东西讲起谢谢了!
1.make sb sth 使.成为.
2.linad .我猜是Linda,人名吧.
3.slim and delicate looking but tough and firm inside 外表柔弱,内心坚强
4.你有些空格没打出来吧,had abackground of diverse illnesses 应该是 have a background 吧
5.有些没断句吧..My husband later that when she walked merrily off the plane on cheristmas day in 1994 with her round ,worried looking chinese bady bundled in red and holding atoy bear he had aweird impression that we would eventually raise this child 这句,我个人感觉是有些缺了或者顺序错了之类的,但是大意应该是“我的丈夫在看到我的朋友Linda有一个小孩的时候,感到很奇怪”吧.
6.three years my best friend died 应该是three years later吧
6.iwas 55,afulltime textbook editor whith two almost grown daughters应该是 I was 55,a full-time textbook editor with two almost grown daughters(两个已渐成人的女儿)
7.my huaband 应该是my husband 吧
8.iwas loking forward to a few years of empty nesting and then some grendchildren 应该是I was looking forward to 这句应该是少了点什么吧.不过look forward to doing sth 期望做某事
9.Starting over with a dunamic kingergartner was,to be frank ,not my expectation.这一句:start over with sth 重新开始.,后面应是dynamic吧,“有活力的” to be frank 老实说,常用短语
再问: 为啥是Starting over with a dynamic kingdergartner was ,为啥was在后面?
再答: 这个是一个语法,是用动词ing形式作为主语 比如说,Reading books is one of my favorite thing. 读书是我喜欢的事之一。 这里Reading books 在这里是作为 主语 is 是谓语 很常用的 原句里 to be frank 是相当于一个插入语,只要知道意思,然后分析语法的时候可以去掉的
英语:谁给我讲讲这里的语法问题和各种句型,就当帮帮我了,我这篇文章全背下来了,但是一点也不懂. 英语:谁给我讲讲这里的语法问题和各种句型,我这篇文章全背下来了,但是一点也不懂. 提高英语的办法?我一年背了6000单词,但是听力和口语还不好.语法也没完全懂. 英语怎么学我是个初三学生,理科不错,但是英语特别的差,背语法和单词,总是背过了就忘.谁能给我个好的学英语的方法 英语翻译拜托大家告诉我从1到100的数字英语的规律,我一点也不懂,我快要毕业考了,我一定要背下来,请问各路英雄好汉,我想 政治和历史 怎么背怎么记? 我不懂是要像背课文那样背下来吗还是念的多了自然就熟悉了? 怎么算是基础... 我英语什么都不懂,今年就要考英语B级,谁能帮帮我该怎么学啊,背那些单词,给个方向就行.谢谢了.急啊. 英语应该怎么背啊?现在高三时间紧了,谁有好一点的方法啊?我背生物看两遍就能背下来,化学基本听别人说就可以记住了,就英语和 我读初三了,虽然我英语每次都考班上前几名,可是我一点语法也不懂, 如何背新概念英语我英语没什么基础,也就几百单词量,语法什么的统统不懂,现在想开始背新概念了,我从哪里开始呢,我早上有1个 我这是脑子笨么?我背语文课文的时候基本上只看一遍第二天早晨在读一会就可以背下来了,但是数学和英语特别不好,基本上都是蒙的 谁能给我讲讲英语各种时态问题 像现在完成时 过去进行时这类的 各种混沌 = =