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英语翻译1.与同学好好相处是非常重要的.(get on with)2.等我一到南京,我就与你取得联系.(get in t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 10:30:59
1.与同学好好相处是非常重要的.(get on with)2.等我一到南京,我就与你取得联系.(get in touch with)3.你能告诉我你是怎么摆脱困境的吗?(get rid of)4.他对学习数学感到很厌倦.(get tired of)5.喝酒过量有害健康,你必须戒掉.(give up)6.你最好马上动身否则你就赶不上火车了.(had better)7.他将叫人把这台电脑修好.(have something done)8.最近你收到笔友的来信了吗?(hear form)9.2008年的奥运会将在北京举行.(hold)10.你最好做出租车去,免得开会迟到.(in case)11.尽管下大雪,但她仍然像平时那样去上班.(in spite off)12.她有时听Mp3,而不玩电脑游戏.(instead o)13.正是由于你的努力,你才通过了这次考试.(it was…that…)14.我已经参军两年了.(join)15.对不起,让您久等了.(keep)16.他总是牢记母亲的教诲.(keep…in mind)17.我们经常用互发电子邮件的方式保持联络.(keep in touch with)18.昨天他感到不舒服,可是他仍就继续工作.(keep on)19.毕业后,我要独立生活.(live on)20.我们期待着明年在中国再次见到您.(look forward to)21.在老师们的帮助下,我们在学习上取得了很大的进步(lose one’s mind).22.我们班是由四十二个学生组成的.(be made up of)23.我决心这学期更加努力的学习.(make up one’s mind)24.你们应该好好利用时间.(make use of)25.孩子们和他们的母亲都不知道这件事.(neither…nor)26.他刚一到,篮球比赛就开始了.(no sooner…than )27.跟他说什么都没用,他听不进去.(no use)28.我爷爷不会使用手机,我奶奶也不会.(nor)29.她不仅会弹钢琴,而且还会弹吉他.(not only…but also )30.学生们直到打扫完教室才离开.(not…until)31.穿上大衣,否则你会着凉的.(or)32.你来迟了,你本应该早两小时就到这里.(ought to)33.我们将尽力防止SARS的发生.(prevent..form)34.经理已经答应仔细考虑这件事.(promise)35.我指的不是那件令人伤心的事.(refer to)36.我把他看做事我最好的朋友之一.(regard…as)37.今天我们打算去机场送我叔叔.(see…off)38.詹姆斯来中国已经五年了.(since)39.昨天下午因为堵车,结果我们没能按时到达火车站.(so that)40.为了将来能为我们国家做更多的事情,我们必须努力学习.(so that)41.他花了两千元买了一辆电动自行车.(spend on)42.田文花费了一周的时间学会如何使用这台电脑.(spend…in doing something)43.这个盒子太大了,以至于没有人能移动它.(such…that)44.他用了大约一个半小时才到达学校.(take)
1. To get along with classmates is very important. (get on with the) 2. Wait one to nanjing, I will get in touch with you. (get in touch with) 3. Can you tell me how you out of trouble? (get rid of) 4. He felt very tired of learning mathematics. (get tired of) 5. Drinking too much is harmful to health, you must stop. (give up) 6. You'd better go now or you'll miss the train. (had better) 7. He will call a person this computer to work. (have something done) 8. Have you received the letter from pen Pal? (hear form) 9. The Olympic Games in 2008 will be held in Beijing. (hold) 10. You'd better do a taxi, lest being late for the meeting. (in case) 11. Despite the heavy snow, but she still usual way to go to work. (in spite off) 12. She sometimes listening to Mp3, and not to play computer games. (instead o) 13. It is because of your efforts, you just passed the exam. (it was... that...) 14. I had joined the army two years. (join) 15. Sorry to keep you waiting so long. (keep) 16. He always kept in mind his mother taught. (keep... in mind) 17. We often send each other e-mails with the way to keep in touch. (keep in touch with) 18. Yesterday he felt uncomfortable, but he was still continue to work. (keep on) 19. After graduation, I want to live an independent life. (live on) 20. We look forward to seeing you again next year in China. (look forward to 21). With teacher's help, we in the study made a lot of progress (lose one 's mind). 22. Our class is made up of students forty-two. (be made up of) 23. I am determined to this term to learn more. (make up one 's mind) 24. You should make good use of time. (make use of) 25. The children and their mother all do not know this thing. (neither... nor) 26. He just arrived, the basketball match began. (no sooner... than) 27. With what he says are useless, he won't listen. (no use) 28. My grandfather won't use mobile phones, my grandma will not. (nor) 29. She will not only the piano, but also can play the guitar. (not only... but also) 30. The students didn't leave until finished cleaning the classroom. (not... until) 31. Put on your coat, or you'll catch a cold. (or) 32. You were late, you should have had two hours is here. (ought to) 33. We will do our best to prevent the occurrence of SARS. (prevent.. form) 34. The manager has promised to carefully think about it. (promise) 35. I mean not the sad thing. (refer to) 36. I see him do things one of my best friends. (regard... as) 37. Today we are going to go to the airport to send my uncle. (see... off) 38. James to China has five years. (since) 39. Yesterday afternoon for traffic, as a result, we can't arrive on time the railway station. (so that) 40. For our country in the future in order to do more things, we must study hard. (so that) 41. He spent $two thousand to buy a bicycle. (spend on) 42. TianWen spent a week of time to learn how to use this computer. (spend... in doing something) 43. This box is too big, that no one can move it. (such... that) 44. He spent about an hour and a half to get to school. (take)