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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 19:42:08
Boykins的身高让他永远在这个巨人的运动中吃很大的亏.NBA中几乎每个球员都比他强壮数倍,都比他高大若干.身高是天生的,是不可能靠人力就能改变的.但是我要说,篮球 靠的不仅仅是身高,更是一种精神,一种拼搏,不服输的精神.而Earl Boykins,他没有任何一个对手高大,他防不住任何一个对手的post up,但他依然得到了所有人的认可,还有所有人的尊重.
Simply,the height of Boykins gives him a great loss in the activity of giants.
Nearly every player in NBA is several times stronger than him.
The height is inborn, which cannot be changed by manpower.
But I wanna say, basketball not only depends on the height,;it’s also a spirit, a spirit of sruggle and never give up.
While Earl Boykins, who is not taller than any other opponent, even can not defence a post up from any opponent.
But he still gets the approval and respect from all .