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look+介词 put+介词 take+介词 要中文意思,越多越好.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 04:46:06
look+介词 put+介词 take+介词 要中文意思,越多越好.
look at 看着,注视,检查
look at oneself in the mirror = admire oneself in themirror
look after 照顾,照料,照看 lookahead 向前看,展望未来
look around / about 四处看看,四下环顾 look back 回首,回忆,回顾过去
look back on…回顾……,回忆……
look forward to sth /doing sth 盼望,期盼某事物/做某事
look for 寻找,找 lookin 来访,参观
look into… 往……里面看,浏览,调查,研究
look (right) into sb’s eyes 直视着
looklike…看起来像…… (比较:look the same 看起来像)
look on 旁观,观望
lookout = be careful = take care 留神,当心,注意,警惕,提防
lookout for 警惕,留心,找出来 look over…翻阅,(仔细)检查
lookthrough 看透,仔细查看,浏览,翻阅,温习
look up 仰视,往上看,(在字典或参考书中)查阅,查寻
look up to sb 敬仰,仰望,尊敬(比较:look down on / upon sb 瞧不起,鄙视,轻视)
look/ be worried 看上去/感到担心
The boy is old enough tolook after himself.
He spent two weeks in Shanghai, looking around/ about the city.
We are looking forward tohearing from you soon.
Join us. Don’t just lookon.
They all looked on him asa member of their family.
Look out! There is dangerahead.
I shall look out that Idon’t trust him again.
He looked through hisnotes before writing the report.
Look through thesephotographs and try to pick out the man you see.
I must look up the timeof your train.
A fox came to the treeand looked up at the cock.
I’ve always looked up toBill for his courage and determination.
(2) put 短语搭配
put away 将某物收拾起来,存钱,储存,存起来
put down 扑灭,平息,镇压,记下
putforward 提出,建议,推荐 put off 延期,拖延
put on (戏)上演,放(唱片),穿戴 put on a performance 演出
put out 扑灭,熄灭,使……停止燃烧,伸出,出版,生产
put up 挂起,张贴,举起,抬起,搭起,建立
put up with 忍受,容忍 putinto 使进入,输入,投入
put/translate…into 把……译成 put one’s heart into…全神贯注于……
putsb in / into prison 把某人关进监狱 put …to use 使用……,运用……
put a date to sth 注明日期
(比较:set/ fix the date 确定日期
to date 到目前为止)
putan end to … 结束…… put…together 把……放在一起
We put away the toolsbefore we leave the workshop.
All the medical workersin the region helped to put down the influenza epidemic(流感).
Never put off untiltomorrow what you can do today.
We are putting the playon again next week owing to its success.
The firemen soon put thefire out.
The doctor told me to putout my tongue.
It’s time that we put upthe Christmas decorations(装饰物)in the living room.
Drop your weapons and putyour hands up.
Another supermarket hasbeen put up near our house.
I can’t put up with a lotof noisy people when I am working.
The government is puttingmore money into education this year.
As students, we shouldput our heart into studies.
(3)take 短语搭配
take after 与某人相像 takealong 带领,携带
take … apart = separate …把……分开 take away 拿走,拿去,使离开
take away from… 从……带/拿走 take back 退回,拿回,收回
take down 拿下,记下,记录 takefor…当作……,误以为是……
take in 吸收,接纳,上当
take off (飞机)起飞,脱掉(衣帽/鞋),成名,成功,很快上升,开始流行/畅销
take on 呈现 take out 拿出,取出
take over 继承,接管,接替
take up 从事,开始,专注于,占去(时间、空间、地位等)
takea bank loan 向银行贷款 take a bath 洗澡
takea chance / chances 碰运气,冒险
takea critical attitude towards…对……持批判态度
takea few deep breaths 深呼吸 take / have a degree in … 取得……学位
takea hands-on approach to education 通过动手实践的方式来进行接受教育
takea message (to sb) (给某人)捎个口信
比较:leave a message (to sb) (给某人)留个口信
take a photo (of …) (给……)照相,拍(……)照片
takea risk / risks 冒险 take a shower 沐浴,洗澡
take a sip 呡一小口 takea taxi to... = go to ...by taxi乘出租车
take a walk / ride / holiday 散步/兜风/休假
take(an) interest in … 对……感兴趣
(比较:beinto = be interested in 对……感兴趣
have / show interest in 对……感兴趣)
take advantage of 对……加以利用
take… by surprise 对……突然袭击,出乎……意料
take care 小心, 注意 take care of 照顾,照看
take effect 生效,奏效 take exercise 运动,活动
take… for example 以……为例 take / get /catch hold of 握住,抓住
takeit easy 放心好了,别着急,从容,不紧张
take ... into consideration 顾及,考虑到,体谅
(比较:under consideration 在考虑中,在研究中)
takelessons上课 takenotes 做笔记,做记录
take notice of 注意
takeone’s seat 就座,坐在自己位子上(转义为就职)
takeone’s time 从容,不急,慢慢行动[比较:take time 花费(时间)]
take part 参加
(比较:takepart in… = join in… =participate in…参加……
take an active part in…积极参加……)
takeplace 发生,出现,举行
[比较:take the place of … = take sb’s place取代,代替(某人的位置)]
takepride in …= be proud of… 对……感到自豪
takeresponsibility for … = be responsible for … 对……负起责任
takesb in the arms 拥抱,搂抱
take/ hold / keep sb prisoner 囚禁/俘虏某人
(比较:sb be taken / held / keptprisoner 某人被囚禁/俘虏)
takesb seriously 看重某人
take sb some time to dosth 花费某人……时间去做某事
takesb’s temperature 给某人量体温 take sth along with sb 随身携带某物
take shelter 躲避
takesides with sb in sth 在某事上支持/偏袒某人
take steps / measures / action to do sth 采取措施做某事,采取(……的)行动
take turns to do sth / in doing sth 轮流做某事
I’m sorry. I’ll take backwhat I said.
Take care! The car iscoming.
My plane takes off at11:00 sharp.
Wecan’t have such a big table in this small room. It takes up too much room.
speak/talk about 谈论
think about 思考
care about 关心,对……有兴趣
bring about 引起,使发生
set about 着手,开始
come about 发生
hear about 听说
worry about 为……担心
aim at 向……瞄准,旨在
run at 冲向,向……攻击
call at 拜访(地点)
tear at 用力撕
look at 看,注视
work at 干……活动(研究)
come at 向……袭击
shout at 冲(某人)嚷嚷
stare at 凝视
glare at 怒视
glance at 匆匆一瞥
laugh at 嘲笑
knock at 敲(门、窗等)
point at 指向
smile at 冲(某人)笑
strike at 向……打击
shoot at 向……射击
wonder at 惊讶
die away 逐渐消失
put away 收拾起来,存起来
pass away 去世
wash away 冲走
take away 拿走
give away 背弃,泄漏
send away 让走开
turn away 把……打发走
wear away 磨掉,消耗
throw away 扔掉
blow away 吹走
carry away 拿走,使入迷
clear away 清除掉,消散
break away 摆脱
keep back 隐瞒,忍住
hold back 控制住
give back 归还
call back 回电话
take back 拿回,收回
lookback(on) 回顾
cut down 削减,砍倒
put down 记下,写下,镇压
take down 记下,记录
turn down 调小,拒绝
slow down 慢下来
pass down 传下来
calm down 平静下来
burn down 烧毁
tear down 拆毁,拆除
come down 下落,传下
break down 坏了,垮了,分解
bring down 使……降低,使倒下
settle down 安家
die from 因……而死
hear from 收到……来信
learn from 向……学习
differ from 与……不同
suffer from 受……苦
result from 由于
separate…from 把……分离开
keep/stop/prevent…from 不让……做
date from=dateback to 始于……时期,追溯到
run for 竞选
ask for 要求得到
beg for 乞求
wait for 等候
look for 寻找
call for 需要,要求
hunt for 寻找
long for 渴望
care for 关心,喜欢
seek for 寻找
come for 来拿,来取
apply for 申请
stand for 代表,表示
search for 查找
change…for 用……换
charge…for 收费,要价
take…for 误以为……是
hope/wishfor 希望得到
get in 收获,进入
fill in 填写
cut in 插入
join in 参加
look in 来访,参观
hand in 上交
drop in 拜访
give in 让步
take in 接纳,吸收
call in 召集,来访
bring in 引进,使得到收入
break in 强制进入,插话
result in 导致
succeed in 在……获成功
persist in 坚持
run into 碰到
look into 研究,调查,往里面看
burst into 闯入,进发
turn into 变成
change…into 把……变成
divide…into 把……分成
put/translate…into 把……译成
die of 死于
talk of 谈到
hear of 听说
think of 想到
dream of 梦到
speak of 谈到
consist of 由……组成
approve of 赞成
complain of 抱怨
become of 发生……情况,怎么啦
go out 熄灭
set out 出发,着手
try out 试用,试验
put out 扑灭
run out 用完
let out 泄漏,发出(声音)
pick out 选出
hold out 坚持下去
wear out 穿破,使……疲劳
make out 理解,看清楚
keepout(of) 使不进入,挡住
find out 查出,弄明白
work out 算出,想出办法等
send out 发出,派遣
give out 散发,分发,用完
look out 当心,提防
hand out 散发,分发
help out 救助
turn out 结果是,生产
come out 出版,出来
cross out 划掉
burst out 进发
carry out 执行
break out 爆发
point out 指出
figure out 算出
bring out 阐明,使表现出
leave out 省略,删掉
speak out 大胆讲
go over 审阅,检查,研究
get over 克服
run over 压死,看一遍
take over 接管,接替
turn over 翻倒,细想
fall over 跌倒,摔倒
roll over 翻滚
look over 翻阅,检查
think over 仔细考虑
watch over 看守,照看
add to 增添
get to 到达
see to 处理,料理
turn to 向……求助,查阅
come to 共计,苏醒
lead to 导致,通向
reply to 答复
refer to 谈到,涉及,参阅
bring to 使苏醒
agree to 同意
object to 反对
point to 指向
write to 写信给
relate to 理解,同情,涉及,(与……)有关
attend to 处理
belong to 属于
supply…to 为……提供
devote…to 贡献给
stick/hold/keep to 坚持,忠于
compare…to 与……相比,把……比作
do well in 在……干得好
make up for 弥补
look down on /upon 轻视
break awayfrom 摆脱
keep awayfrom 避开,别靠近
do awaywith 废除
put up with 忍受
catch up with =keep up with 赶上
fill upwith 用……装满
go on with 继续
get on / alongwith 和……相处
look forwardto 盼望
look up to 仰望,尊敬
add up to 总计
live up to 依据……行事;做到;不辜负(期望)
get closeto 接近
get down to 认真开始
set fire to 放火烧
pay attention to 注意
pay a visitto 访问
take / get /catch hold of 握住
run out of 用完
get out of 逃避,避免
take noticeof 注意
take a photoof 拍……照片
take the placeof 取代
set an example to 为……树立榜样