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难道-------- 的句式用英语怎么说

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 10:17:55
难道-------- 的句式用英语怎么说
Don't/ Didn't/Doesn't/ Isn't/ wasn't.等等,很多的,可以通过改变助动词有多个,如:
Don't you think it is right?难道你认为这是错误的吗? 再答: You are welcome!
再问: 难道你认为如果我们看电视太长时间就会导致视力下降吗? 用英语怎么说 实在是没办法了 要不然就自己写了 谢谢了
再答: Don't you think that if we watch TV for a long time, it will cause our eyesight to fail?
再问: 那 电视比报纸更为方便。而且,在电视上我们还可以看到图像声音等这些报纸上所没有的东西。 这句话咋说呢?
再答: Don't you think that if we watch TV for a long time, it will cause cause vision lost to us? TV is more convenient than newspaper. What's more, We can see pictures and listen to sounds which there are not in newspaper.
再问: 我们在看电视时可以与电视保持三米的距离 那这句呢? 谢谢
再答: We can be three meters away from the TVs when we watch them.
再问: 难道你认为如果我们的视力因为看电视而下降就要从此不再看电视吗? 请问对方辩友,电视上的不良健康信息只是少数,难道我们就因为这一点不良信息而拒绝接收其他的有利信息吗? 这两句怎么翻译?谢谢啦~~~
再答: Don't you think that if our vision lost is caused by watching TV, we shouldn't watch TV from now on? Excuse me , there is only little bad information on TV, don't we need to refuse watching TV to get other useful information just because of the little bad information?
再问: 你们一定看过电视,请问你们看过电视之后,产生了不好的影响吗?
再答: You must have watched TV, then after watching TV, is there any bad effect on you?