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雅思作文批改 剑7 test2 小作文 感觉自己写的很没有头绪,请帮忙批改,改的好的有追fen .

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 18:22:50
雅思作文批改 剑7 test2 小作文 感觉自己写的很没有头绪,请帮忙批改,改的好的有追fen .
Statistics of meat consumption of different types,namely chicken,fish,beef and lamb during 25 years in a European country,were demonstrated in the given graph.
Among all the four kinds of consumptions,chicken served as the only role that keeps an upgoing trend from about 140 grams in 1979 to 250 grams per person per week in 2004.Rest of the others all suffered a decline compared to figures of that in 1979 despite of a frequent occurrence of fluctuations during the whole period.
Regarding the declined ones,respectively,beef consumption dropped sharply to about 100 units with a nearly half amount shrink and lamb decreased from 150 to 60.Though fish was also not an exception from declining,yet only slight ups and downs were occurring with a stable total around 50 grams.
Generally,during the period between 1979 and 2004,the consumption of beef,lamb and fish held less shares than of the earlier years and chicken instead of beef had become the most popular meat that people consumed.
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再问: 好嘛。thank you all the same 啦