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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 19:31:06
Michael Scofield是一头陷于绝境欲拼死一搏的怒狮,他的兄弟Lincoln Burrows几个月就将被以谋杀罪处以死刑,但Michael坚信他是被冤枉的.为了拯救了自己的手足,Michael抢劫了一家银行,因此而被与Lincoln关进同一所监狱-- 福克斯河州立监狱.作为一名建筑工程师,他对监狱的建设蓝图了如指掌,带着Lincoln逃出生天也成为Michael入狱的唯一目的.
年长的犯人改造官Bellick教会了Michael很多监狱的生存之道.后来,在狱友Sucre的帮助下,Michael开始与其他帮派广泛结盟,包括前匪首John Abruzzi,和声名狼藉的劫机犯Charles Westmoreland.在监狱外,Michael只有一个盟友--他的辩护律师和老友Veronica Donovan,她也是Lincoln的前女友.
Michael Scofield is a roaring lion that is struggling for his life.His brother,Lincoln Burrows,is found guilty of murder and put into prison.He will be sentenced to death.However,Michael is convinced of Lincoln's innocence and formulates an escape plan.In order to gain access to Fox River,Michael commits armed robbery.Of cause,he is put into jail--the Fox River,where his brother is imprisoned.As a structural engineer,he knows about the blueprint of the prison biuldings.Escaping from the prison with Lincoln is the only purpose of his coming here.
Officer Bellick teaches Michael a lot to survive in the prison.Later,Michael bigins to meet people,incruding the head of criminals John Abruzzi and the hijacker Charles Westmoreland,with the help of his cellmate Sucre.The only friend outside is his lawyer Veronica Donovan,who is Lincoln's ex-girlfriend.
The brothers,along with six other inmates,Fernando Sucre (Amaury Nolasco),Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell (Robert Knepper),Benjamin Miles "C-Note" Franklin (Rockmond Dunbar),David "Tweener" Apolskis (Lane Garrison),John Abruzzi (Peter Stormare),and Charles "Haywire" Patoshik (Silas Weir Mitchell),who come to be known as the Fox River Eight,escape in the first season finale.But the story is to be continued...
and a growing and Lincoln put in the same prison
with Lincoln escape also became the only purpose of Michael imprisonment.
The old Correctional Officer Michael Bellick has taught many prison
"Prison break" in the first quarter ended,the novel has escaped from the prison