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英语作文my favourite animal70个词写dog的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 01:26:11
英语作文my favourite animal70个词写dog的
And Wang,and Wang-Wang-"is my dog bean soup,as soon as it saw the stranger,will call all the time.
Bean soup is a lovely and cute,very likable.Which body fat,four legs are short,but running very fast,I and it competitions running at a time,always become the foot straight man.
Bean soup with a gray fur,just like wearing a grey shirt.Triangle head,long mini-face with two shiny small eyes,eyes always kept turning around to go,its ears are falling down,but very sensitive,very little sound it can hear.A fluffy tail,walking road to always face a shake of a pendulum.
Bean soup has a characteristic,is aggressive.It often and levels of dog fighting.However,defeat each were coming back,in a few cases even hurt,cried with pain home
It swimming posture can be fun.Bridle high head,four legs pedaling,then it's a pedal,swim over slowly.See this story,I couldn't help but laugh.
Finally,tour over,climbed the Bank.Dog wet all over.However,it does not feel cold,dog firmly shakes the body,water is surrounded by flies.And then trying to rub to me.
One day,bean soup and its dear mother in the yard to play.Because of the wind,a black plastic bag suddenly blew up.Bean soup "exhausted in the end of" scream (to tell you the truth,the sounds and people screaming no difference.),Run like hell back home.Result in is accidentally fell down the stairs on,knock a little Chin,hurt it,"OfficeCE",and then continues to run.See,you certainly will laugh their heads off!
Bounce after a short,"well the scars forget the pain",and then start tickling,and then quilt cover the ......Sigh ......This dog ......
再问: 汉意
再答: ——”准是我家的小狗豆汤在叫,它只要看见陌生人,就会叫个不停。 豆汤既可爱,又乖巧,很讨人喜欢。它虽然身子胖胖的,四只脚也很短,可是跑起来却非常的快,每次我和它比赛跑步,总是成为它的脚下败将。 豆汤一身灰色的皮毛,就像穿了一件灰色的衬衫。三角形的脑袋,长长的小脸上嵌着两只闪闪发光的小眼睛,眼珠子总是滴溜溜地转个不停,它的耳朵虽然是塌下去的,可是很灵敏,很小的声音它也能听到。一条毛茸茸尾巴,走起路来总是面一摇一摆的。 豆汤有一个特点,就是好斗。它常常和别的狗打架。可是,每次都是吃了败仗回来,有几次甚至受了伤,痛苦地叫着回家 最有趣的,我家的豆汤还会游泳呢。有一次,我放学回到家,看到它在后面那条河的对岸玩,它见我回家了,显得非常高兴,又是叫,又是跳,还不断地摇着尾巴,看样子它很想到这边来,我以为它肯定从那边绕过来。可是没有想到,它却“扑通”一声跳进了河里。它很想马上到我这儿,来不及从那边绕过来。 它游泳的姿势可好玩了。头高高地昂着,四只脚一蹬,接着又一蹬,慢慢地游了过来。看到这情景,我忍不住笑了。 终于,它游了过来,爬上了岸。小狗全身都湿了。可是,它不感到冷,只见小狗用力地摇了一下身体,水都朝四面飞开来。然后拼命地往我身上蹭。 有一天,豆汤和它亲爱的老妈在院子里玩耍。因为风大,一个黑色的塑料袋突然吹了过来。豆汤“竭斯底里”的尖叫一声(说真的,那声音和人的尖叫声简直没有什么区别。),拼命地跑回家。结果在上楼梯是不小心摔倒了,磕了一下下巴,疼得它“嗷嗷”之叫,然后又继续跑。看到着场面,你肯定也会笑掉大牙的! 有一天,豆汤舒服地晒完了太阳,“悠闲”地回到家里。可能是有跳蚤吧!它便蹲下来挠痒痒。挠完了,正想放下脚,却发现后脚被毛套住了。真不知道它是怎么挠的,怎么会把后脚给套住了呢?八成又是脏了!瞧瞧胖妹,和你一起洗的澡,人家都比你干净!才不会被自己的毛套住呢!这下可好!不能走路了。豆汤冲着坐在旁边的我直叫唤。过了好久我才发现,豆汤冲着坐在旁边的我直叫唤。过了好久我才发现,赶紧为它解开。 蹦蹦跳跳一会儿后,它又“好了伤疤忘了痛”,又开始挠痒痒,然后又被套住了……唉……这狗……