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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/14 14:35:27
Theory and Practice, which Is more importance?
In China, university is the place where students do further study in their specialized subjects.Different from the secondary school, it provides a free environment for the student to perfect their skills.However, some problems still exist in the system of the university education in our society.One of these problems is: many universities only pay attention to the book learning, and ignore the importance of practice.
So, theory and practice, which is more important?
A freshman of a language studies college, said: “I don't think book learning will do anything good to us.After I graduated from the high school, I always expected the different study life in the college — fewer courses, fewer examinations and more personal opinions.But now, I am quite disappointed.But now, I am quite disappointed.Our college only attaches importance to the book knowledge.And we hardly have any chance to utilize what we have learnt.We study in order to pass the exam, that's the same as what we did in the high school.Of course, theory is important, but without practice, it's dull.”
Many Chinese students have met the same problem as that student.They are instructed by what the books say.They recite what the books indicate.And after class, they even bury themselves into piles of books to study all sorts of theories.They remember all the knowledge well.Of course, this kind of students can always get a good mark in the examinations.But after that, most of these students will find they have nearly learnt nothing because they have no chance to put what they have learnt into practice.
This is the main problem that exists in China education today.There's a famous Chinese saying:"Genuine knowledge comes from practice." In other words,a student who studies without practice will never have real ability.
As we all know, though foreign students are not good at taking exams in comparison to Chinese students, they are more capable of solving problems.That's because they have enough practice in their daily life.Some colleges don't take exams as a measure to evaluate a student.They adopt the credit system.Students gain their marks through practice in the society.In this way, they obtain useful experience and improve their real ability.
There’s also a famous Chinese saying: “It’s better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand volumes.” It emphasizes the importance of practice.
People always say, “Unite theory with practice.” That's true.Theory is the base.Without it, we have nothing to direct the practice.Also, practice is important too.It helps us to develop our real ability and put the theory into reality.Since many universities in China only pay attention to book learning and ignore the importance of practice.We should utilize this point of view into our study so as to solve the problem.That is, we should attach importance to book knowledge as well as practice.Only in this way can we create the real qualified personnel who will make great contribution to our country.