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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 06:44:19
Unit 11、南京这些年发生了巨大的变化.正解:Nanjing has changed a lot over the years.儿子:Nanjing has had big changes over the years.2、在过去,他曾经是个安静的地方.正解:In the past,it used to be a quiet place.儿子:In the past,it was a quiet place.3、现在,有更多的高楼、道路.正解:At present,there are many buildings ,roads.儿子:Now,there are more buildings ,roads.Unit 21、坐飞机到香港花费了我们两个小时正解:It took us tow hours to fly to Hongkong.儿子:take sb.to do sth.词组不熟 It took us tow hours to Hongkong by plane.2、在第二天,我们购物.正解:On the second day,we did some shopping.儿子:On the second day,we went shopping.Unit 31、桂林因它的山水而出名.正解:It has been famous for its mountains and rivers.儿子:Guilin is famous for the mountains and rivers.Unit 41、我每周花费七个多小时的时间阅读书籍.正解:I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books.儿子:I spend more than seven hours a week reading different types of books.2、我朋友给我许多关于书的建议.正解:My friends give me lots of advice on books.儿子:My friends give me lots of advice about books.3、在忙碌了一天后,他们(书)帮助我放松.正解:They help me relax after a busy day.儿子:They help me relax after a hard day’s work 4、他们(书)也给我开启了一个全新的时间儿子:open 后面没加up
1 都对
2 it was a quiet place 可以表达句子意思.没错.
3 您儿子对.答案错.
4 应为 It took us two hours to fly to Hongkong (by plane 多余,要加 fly to)
5 都对
6 都对
7 都对
8 答案对.搭配是 give sb advice on sth 书面语应是如此.很多口语也用about.但考试会判其为错.
9 答案对.您儿子是中式英语表达,错的.没有 “a hard day ”的说法.