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英语-翻译把“火影”的精彩片段用英文写出来(中文也要写 )注:字数在个以上800注意:如果在5天之内写完在奖+100分随

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:38:32
把“火影”的精彩片段用英文写出来(中文也要写 )注:字数在个以上800
2.大战再不斩..佐助救鸣人..鸣人的觉醒...白的死..再不斩的复仇!~1 .鸣人:有话直说就是我的忍道
评:小樱断发之前的一句台词,这句话里包含了小樱莫大的勇气和决心,也让她在气质上有了质的飞跃,从而使这个人物性格更加丰满,绚丽的樱花悄然开放. 【动作】 鼻子一酸,开始叭嗒叭嗒掉眼泪了
这是我哭得最惨的一次.桃地在不斩是被通缉的雇佣杀手,卡卡西为了保护任务委托人,而与桃地在发生了冲突,在扣人心弦的对决中卡卡西动用了写轮眼来对付强大的在不斩,写轮眼的能力是能够复制对手的所有动作,于是卡卡西洞察了在不斩的究级任术,大败了在不斩.首次揭开了写轮眼的面目,卡卡西的超人气也是在这里奠定了基础….然后就要说道白..最爱的白..那个像雪一样白的少年 ,经常会看到往上有人讨论白到底是男孩还是女孩,我觉得真得没有什么必要,.我们只要记住白.记住他雪白的过去,和那冰冷的回忆,记住他笑得没有任何杂质的脸….相信白一定会上到那个人人向往的天堂…最难忘的是那晴朗的天空中,雪花与阳光的交相辉映…..一直在像那是否是白得眼泪………….
日向宁次,对日向家族怀有深深的仇恨,因为当年的父亲的惨死,在他幼小的心灵打下了深深的烙印,身为日向家的宁次,却不敢向宗家复仇,只应为有着分家被宗家刻下了可以力量的烙印(在这一场,一直都记得的是鸣人说过的一句话:如果我当上了火影,我会帮你改变你的家族命运) …而事实并非如此,由于白眼是木叶最强的血迹限界,在另一个忍者村的忍者来探求白眼的秘密时,被宁次的伯父击毙,可对方却以此为借口,要木叶交出宁次的伯父,为了保全白眼的秘密,宁次的父亲选择了自杀,用自己和哥哥容貌完全相同的尸体来保证日向平安无事,其实对于他来说,他并不是屈服于宿命的羁绊 ,而只是为他敬爱的哥哥去死罢了…..当多年以后宁次,从伯父的口中得知真相后,窗外的阳光从未如此灿烂, 日向宁次终于也可以像鸟一样自由自在的飞翔了!~~
1.Iraqi □□card teacher helps to call the human to keep off in the
hand the sword..The adult calls the human..Calls the human to rescue teacher..Graduation!~
Told the truth,This scene is lets me persist downward looked power,The lonely person is ignominious,Therefore always thought can help a person to get rid of the lonely
person is great,Mr./Mrs. Carew Iraqi,Although the appearance does not have west the heating power
attractively,But 不可否认,He to calls human's care to be from heart,That kind can hide oneself orphan's sore spot,And understands the student truly teacherI all want also to bump into!~~~~~~
2.The war does not cut again..Assists helps rescues calls the human..Calls human's awakening...White dying..Again does not cut revenge!~
This is I cries most miserable.The peach in does not cut is issued a warrant for arrest hires the
murderer,West the heating power in order to protect the duty trustee,But has been having the conflict with the peach,In was exciting to center west the heating power uses definitely has
written a turn of eye to cope with formidable in does not cut,Writes a turn of eye the ability is can duplicate the match all
movements,Thereupon west the heating power saw clearly in has not cut
investigates the class teacher technique,Routed in has not cutOpened for the first time has written a turn of eye the appearance,West the heating power ultra human spirit also was has laid the
foundation in here...Then must say the spoken parts of an opera..Most loves white..That like snow equally white youth,Can see frequently discusses to upward some people in vain is the boy
girl,I thought really does not have what necessity.We so long as remember whiteRemembered his snow white past,With that ice-cold recollection,Remembers him smile not any impurity face...Believed at the white certain meeting the heaven which yearned for to
that person person... Most unforgettable is in that sunny sky,The snowflake and the sunlight enhance one another's beauty... ..Is liking that continuously whether is white the tear... ... ... ...
3.Calls the human 勇战 the big snake pill...Assists awakening which helps...The small prunus pseudocerasus shears the courage which sends..Companion's friendship..!~
Remembered endures in the test in the center the Carew Iraq to
call the human in their illustration to say:Human's composition is must have the day and the placeThe day is:Brains,Is:Body... The very obvious cry person is belongs to the body to be
good...In on full has manifested this point with in the big snake pill
fight... ... May say the truth is the pure foolhardy... ...In this paragraph,Let me be moved is the prunus pseudocerasus shears sendsWas not everybody may give up oneself treasure the that long thing,I am a girl,I know hair this thing,Really sometimes may say is the life... Remembered the junior middle
school cuts when the hair I am cry thinly in crash-bang!~ in that flash,The prunus pseudocerasus has enough self-confidently lets with the
ability call the human with to assist helps looks at her back... ...
4.Young field concern..."this is I endures the road!"
The young field is the date to family's daughter young lady,Admires continuously very much calls the human,He is shy,Both hands finger mutual stamp,Low head,BlushesShould be in the very many male students mind ideal girlfriend... ..But saw in calls under human's influence to him,Faces up to hates own elder brother,And decides to have to challenge the self- time,Also had found the value which own exists,I really very affected,Ha-haWants to speak a very silly speech:The original love strength is such is great!~~~ hee hee
5.Small prunus pseudocerasus and well wild Germany to definitely...Childhood recollection!~
The small prunus pseudocerasus and the well were wild is a pair
of old enemy,Two human of similar admire assists in particular helps,But nobody,Those two when childhood actually is friends with very much friend...They endure in the center to take a test to definitely,I want to be supposed to be not merely for strive for the test the
qualifications,That is one kind to the passing friendship testimony,Also is one kind wants the certificate impulse,...
6.Calls the human to be rather inferior...Zong Jia's destiny..Misunderstanding!~~
The date to is rather inferior,Harbors the deep hatred to the date to the family,Because of same year father's tragic death,Has overcome the deep brand mark in his immature mind,The body is the date is rather inferior to the family,Does not dare to Zong Jia to take revenge actually,Only should for have divides family property to get down by Zong Jiake
has been possible the strength brand mark (in this,Continuously all remembers is calls the human has said a speech:If I when got angry the shade,I can help you to change your family destiny)... But the fact
并非如此,Because the supercilious look is the wooden leaf strongest bloodstain
limit,Seeks the supercilious look when another enduring village enduring the
secret,Is killed by rather inferior uncle,But opposite party actually take this as an excuse,Wants the wooden leaf to hand over rather inferior uncle,In order to preserve the supercilious look the secret,Rather the inferior father has chosen the suicide,And elder brother the appearance quite same not less than corpse
guarantees Japan with oneself to the all is well,Actually said regarding him,He is not submits in the fate fetters,But only is dies for his respected elder brother... ..When many years later will be rather inferior,Knows the truth after uncle's mouth,Outside the window sunlight never so is bright, The date to rather finally also might like the bird equally free
7.Three generation of fires shades dying...Village security...Protects by me...
Three generation of fires shades dying is the tear flows not not many
actually keeps longest because that fight and is calling the human and
I loves Luo to definitely,Altogether has developed the quick 10 volumes,All looks in the identical afternoon,Looked I evening the eye swells,Chess gentleman these two scenes really put on the same place are very
harmonious,Dissimilarity speaks in vain which on the picture,In order to protect the oneself most important person really to be
possible to spell does one's best,The sacrifice life also refuses to balkCalled the human to achieveThree generation of fires shades have achieved... ... Thinks oneself
has treasures the oneself important person like this?
8.Calls the human to love Luo to me...I like Luo's recollection..Night of * pill dying..Mother's love..Companion's significance!~
Calls the human and I loves Luo to definitely,Also some point must raise is I loves Luo's childhoodOn-line saw to a such choice,Whose childhood elects to be most miserable in the fire shade,I elected me to love Luo without hesitation,Each people all had reposing as if,Called the human to have the Carew Iraq,Assisted helps had west the heating power,Calls the human,Small prunus pseudocerasus,Bai You in does not cut,RatherFinally feels relaxed,... Only then I love Luo,Has loved only the uncle hates him to the bone to interthe body or
bones of a monk actually..Thought loves her mother also is selfish actually..A world in night on such avalanche... I did not know also has any only
then to be possible to rescue this pitiful child,….Love,Really sometimes did not know how loves... ...
LooksReally also has very many must say,Which strength but really didn't haveReorganized these all somewhat to be dizzy.Fire shade also in serializing,Believed also will be able to have the root in the future to be more
much the scene.Everybody has any to like also being possible to raise! !~~~